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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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SmoovP;1950709; said:
Punishment should be loss of scholarships and/or a post-season ban.

Oh hush...you can have the dang trophy. Sorry we ruined your BCS party.

Since we are dealing hypotheticals...

IF JT acted alone as stated and nothing further comes out, how can you justify punishing the 98% of the program that did the right thing?

JT lost his job, TP is gone...why punish the rest?
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Gatorubet;1950708; said:
I don't think it 100%. But pretty f-in' likely. Miami was not a good ball club Smoove, and had Tress not taken his foot off the gas it would have been even worse, if I recall correctly. TOSU's D was not going to lose to Harris. The offense would have scored enough to win, IMO, even if the outcome was not 100% sure.

My point isn't that Miami would or would not have won that particular game. That's a hypothetical illustration of a larger point.

My original point was that this is a shitty deal for everyone - not just OSU - because by playing ineligible players, we have no way of knowing for sure how not only OSU's season would have played out, but the opponent teams as well.

Losing 5 key players for a third of the season completely changes the complexion/mindset/psyche of the team. Maybe better, maybe worse.

A win for other teams against OSU could have been the key to completely different season as well.

The point is, we'll never know.
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osugrad21;1950711; said:
Oh hush...you can have the dang trophy. Sorry we ruined your BCS party.

Since we are dealing hypotheticals...

IF JT acted alone as stated and nothing further comes out, how can you justify punishing the 98% of the program that did the right thing?

JT lost his job, TP is gone...why punish the rest?

Good grief.
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SmoovP;1950713; said:
My point isn't that Miami would or would not have won that particular game. That's a hypothetical illustration of a larger point.

My original point was that this is a shitty deal for everyone - not just OSU - because by playing ineligible players, we have no way of knowing for sure how not only OSU's season would have played out, but the opponent teams as well.

Losing 5 key players for a third of the season completely changes the complexion/mindset/psyche of the team. Maybe better, maybe worse.

A win for other teams against OSU could have been the key to completely different season as well.

The point is, we'll never know.

News flash, Arkansas played ineligible players last year, too.
So did every D1A college football team.

You know they still won't give your team the trophy, right?
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SmoovP;1950707; said:
So, it's your position that it is a 100% certainty that OSU beats Miami last year if quarterback Terrelle Pryor, running back Dan Herron, receiver DeVier Posey, tackle Mike Adams and defensive end Solomon Thomas hadn't played?

Ok. Got it.
The offense scored ten points. Solomon Thomas plays sparingly.

Nothing is 100%, but I like Gator's 98%. Their ineptitude was the reason so many doubted OSU going into a matchup with your boys.
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SmoovP;1950716; said:
Good grief.

Really? I'm asking. I mean we've sat here as a fanbase and been lambasted from all angles from more soapboxes than I care to count...that includes the visitors of this site who have been given tons of leeway to express opinions.

I asked a very simple question in the course of your discussion. There is a good chance the NCAA does not add anything to the self-imposed punishment. There is a chance they add very little. There is a chance they rename Columbus Hiroshima.

Yet, you respond with "Good Grief"?

Am I supposed to resume the expected tOSU fan-fetal position now or would you actually care to acknowledge a valid question outside of your own opinion?
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Gatorubet;1950602; said:
The part where if you had not knowingly played the ineligible players, you most likely would not have the win-loss record to be in it?

I dunno...the fact the the information you gave the NCAA about what had happened - which was used by them in making that eligibility decision - were freaking lies?

You said Auburn. That automatically infers "a lot of stupid stuff".

You just changed the subject from my light hearted jab at some folks acting all SEC-ish by ignoring vacation of wins resulting from NCAA infractions to some claim of "flaunting" and "boasting" and "not agreeing" distinctions.

Josh, all I see is that your fans are crazed avid football fans - just like all of the other major programs - and no better or worse in many ways than the ones in other parts of the country, including my own. If you guys were not passionate about football I would not give a [Mark May] about your program. That passion is what is so familiar to my SEC fan soul and one of the reasons I like the Buckeyes so much. Y'all's program reminds me of Florida's a whole lot. NOW you can be offended. :lol:

Suck my Tebow.
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osugrad21;1950722; said:
Really? I'm asking. I mean we've sat here as a fanbase and been lambasted from all angles from more soapboxes than I care to count...that includes the visitors of this site who have been given tons of leeway to express opinions.

I asked a very simple question in the course of your discussion. There is a good chance the NCAA does not add anything to the self-imposed punishment. There is a chance they add very little. There is a chance they rename Columbus Hiroshima.

Yet, you respond with "Good Grief"?

Am I supposed to resume the expected tOSU fan-fetal position now or would you actually care to acknowledge a valid question outside of your own opinion?
I think he was referring to the question of why punish the rest of the people for the acts of two guys? Obviously, because if you could skate for using ineligible players intentionally by just changing coaches and the dolts that got caught, there would be no disincentive to not use ineligible players intentionally, as the program would never be punished - only the individuals.

That is a little bit good grief-ish, although I think you were going somewhere else with that whole post. I'd be clearer, but I've been buried in tons of leeway :p
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