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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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I think the university changing it to a retirement means something. If I remember correct tressel had a clause in his contract that he would get non-sports position in university for a certain amount of money (i think 250k a year) when he retired. Maybe when everything is set with the NCAA, he will go back and teach his football class.
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sflbuck;1950871; said:
I would like to direct all our Junior NCAA Investigators and Volunteer Committee on Infractions members to the following "case law" involving Southern Indiana University Basketball, a division II institution.


Looked at the actual ruing. Also I found this interesting: the language

4. Vacation of all wins in which student-athletes 1 and 2 competed from the time they became ineligible through the time their eligibility was reinstated by the NCAA. Student-athletes 1 and 2's individual records were also vacated.
This supports the claim that the moment the NCAA ruled that the five were eligible, that ended the need and justification for further vacated games (the bowl)

Also, there was an actual finding of "Failure to Monitor" in the case sfl found. Y'all are not even accused of that in the NOA - which makes it look more like the self imposed penalties are in line with prior decisions.
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Bucknut24;1950959; said:
This will be me the day the punishments are announced and it's nothing close to what the haters had hoped for


Soooooo, you're looking to be overweight and gay?
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Are people confident or has the opinion changed on Gene Smith leading Ohio State out of this mess?

I've already conceded that he won't be offered a contract extension at the end of this one (if he doesn't resign in the near future).

I personally still don't know about his leadership out of this.
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Well for some stupid reason (probably exhaustion) I wandered over to the cesspool that is CFN and read what the drooling midget fiutak had to say.

Not surprised at all. Since his boys at U$C got hammered he's gunning for EVERYONE, objectivity be damned.
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So, I'm pretty drunk right now, but I want to ask this so I can be sure. I won a lot of money betting on Ohio State in 2010. Since these wins were vacated, does this mean I have to pay it back? I would, but I already spent that money on cocaine and hookers.

I mean, 8-9 million people watched these games happen, but I guess now they never did happen. I bet the NCAA wishes they had the Men in Black flashy thingy

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Buckeyes to keep Big Ten title rings

Ohio State vacated its 2010 season yesterday as part of increasing sanctions for rules violations under former coach Jim Tressel. The process of vacating can be murky. People still remember the games, even though Ohio State won't count them. Individual and team statistics from 2010 will still be counted, but wins, losses and championships won't. Even though the record book won't show Bryant Browning's Big Ten title, his ring will. The Buckeyes already have received their Big Ten championship rings, and athletic director Gene Smith said they won't be recalled.

Even though the record book won't show Browning's Big Ten title, his ring will. The Buckeyes already have received their Big Ten championship rings, and athletic director Gene Smith said they won't be recalled.

"They'll keep those," Smith said. "We didn't feel we needed to take those back."

Browning, a senior lineman, said he appreciated the gesture.

"I guess it does show they care about our senior class, that we did earn those rings," he said.

The rings stay, but the trophy will go. Smith said it will be taken off display at the Woody Hayes Athletic Center, but he wasn't certain it would be returned to the Big Ten. The same goes for the Sugar Bowl trophy. It also remains unclear whether players will receive the gold pants charms traditionally given for beating Michigan.

Last year's seniors had prepared for this, Browning said.

"It definitely is disappointing to see it happening but, at the same time, with the things that were happening with the NCAA, we kind of knew something like this was coming," he said. "We understand why the university had to do those things, working forward and looking to Ohio State's future."

The rationale for vacating the wins is that Tressel used players all season that he knew had likely violated NCAA rules. He learned in April 2010 that at least two players had sold Ohio State memorabilia or traded it for discounted tattoos. He kept the information to himself and signed a document before the season saying he knew of no violations.

When the NCAA investigated, Tressel still kept the information to himself. Eventually, six players were found to have violated rules. All were allowed to a play in the Sugar Bowl, a 31-26 win over Arkansas in January. Later that month, Ohio State learned of Tressel's knowledge during a sweep of his email account.

Tressel resigned under pressure May 30.

Running back Daniel Herron, receiver DeVier Posey, left tackle Mike Adams and defensive end Solomon Thomas, all seniors, will be suspended for the first five games of the season under interim coach Luke Fickell. Jordan Whiting, a junior, is suspended for one game.

Quarterback Terrelle Pryor, facing a five-game suspension and under further investigation by the NCAA, quit the team in June and has entered the NFL supplemental draft.

Despite it all, Homan said he doesn't hold a grudge.

"It would be easy to say I do, but I really don't," said linebacker Ross Ho-man, a senior co-captain of the 2010 team. "Everyone makes mistakes in life, but football is a team game, and you're all in it together, win or lose, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Browning agreed.

"It definitely won't bother me in any sort of way," he said. "Those guys made a mistake, and they are paying for it. Terrelle has already lost his whole senior season and those other guys are going to lose almost half their senior season.

"But those guys are always going to be my brothers. I won't look at them any differently. We always fought hard together and, on the field, they always had my back and I had theirs."

Now there won't be an official reunion of the 2010 Big Ten champions, because, technically, it never happened.

"It's too bad the way it's all panned out, but in our eyes we know we played those games," Homan said. "I will always believe we won every one of those games fairly, and I will still see us as Big Ten champs and Sugar Bowl champs."

Entire article: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/sports/stories/2011/07/09/A-LOST-SEASON.html?sid=101
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