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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

Bestbuck36;1780695; said:
He's also an exceptional blocker considering his size. He needs to put on about 20 more pounds to be as effective in the NFL. Blocking would be a must even if its just getting in the way of the D backs.

His route running is perfect and I dont remember ever seeing him drop a pass. Gonzalez 2.0 is exactly right. Brady, Brees, Manning, Rogers and Rivers would all love and use him in their offense.

Gonzalez is a nice comparison, but I think Gonzo had a little more size and speed, while Dane runs a little bit better routes. JMI. Either way, their both excellent receivers.
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k2onprimetime;1782593; said:
The title of a thread over at bucknuts said Dane dislocated his finger in practice today. I don't know if this us true or not., I sure hope not.

It is and Coach Tressel confirned on his call in show. It sounded like they would just tape him up and send him out to score 4 more TDs this week. :biggrin:
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buckeyes_rock;1782677; said:
That's what I'm talking about right there! :)


Dane might not be the biggest guy, but he's certainly proven his toughness.

He really is tough. True story
Yet fans tend to remember him most as the guy who has bounced back after taking some devastating shots in his college career. Sanzenbacher only missed one game after suffering a concussion against Wisconsin in 2008.
But then we're talking about an individual who got hurt in a car accident on Monday and was back on the field practicing the next day for the city championship that weekend.
"I don't feel like I've been defined by being the guy who takes the big hit or the guy who flies under the radar," Sanzenbacher said. "I've always tried to play the game tough. As physical as the game is, it's mental, too. Those are the two things I try to build off of. Toughness is a huge part of the game and you can't play the game if you don't play fast. You can be flashy, but if you're not mentally and physically tough, you're not going to make it very far. When you grow up and you're not one of the bigger guys, that's the only way you can get out there.
"I credit a lot to growing up in Toledo. It's such a working class town. Whether I noticed it or not, growing up in that atmosphere, where an iron worker gets up in the morning to go to work and earn a check, it's a mentality that you carry with you."

His Dad, Lee Sanzenbacher taught him well. Go Bucks.
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Pryor kept around right end, accelerated at the corner and zoomed up the sideline for 35 yards, to the Illinois 22. Four plays later he hit a wide-open Dane Sanzenbacher in the left corner of the end zone with an 11-yard touchdown pass, giving OSU a 14-10 lead at the break.

Could have had more production from all the WRs but the wind forced them to run the ball more.

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