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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

k2onprimetime;1780101; said:
I really hope he starts to get some more recognition too. This kid has worked his butt off since day 1, and I think people around College Football dont give this kid much credit.

Just got home from the game and he was amazing. I agree with the post above, he deserves credit "on the big stage".
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'Sneaky' but effective: Dane Sanzenbacher has a day for the record books in Buckeyes' romp
Published: Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bill Lubinger, The Plain Dealer

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State has long been "Receiver U.," pumping out an impressive list of NFL pass-catchers, some of them first-round draft choices -- Cris Carter and Joey Galloway, David Boston and Santonio Holmes, Ted Ginn Jr., Anthony Gonzalez and Terry Glenn.

But leave it to "sneaky little" Dane Sanzenbacher, as his quarterback Terrelle Pryor refers to him, to carve his name into the Ohio State record book with four touchdown catches in a 73-20 rout of Eastern Michigan Saturday.

Even his coach wasn't aware of Sanzenbacher's record-setting day until asked about it. Then Jim Tressel looked down to check the game stat sheet just to make sure.

"Dane's good," Tressel said, prompting chuckles from the press corps. "He's where he's supposed to be."

Great Dane? Not really, Sanzenbacher says
Saturday, September 25, 2010
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch

For someone who just tied a school record with his gloved hands, Dane Sanzenbacher was mighty calm about it.

He caught four touchdown passes yesterday Ohio State's 73-20 win over Eastern Michigan. It matched the receiver grand slam first set by Bob Grimes against Washington State in 1952 and matched by Terry Glenn against Pittsburgh in 1995. Yet Sanzenbacher seemed pretty blas about the whole thing.

"Well, I'm not mad, if that's what you're asking," Sanzenbacher said.

VIDEO:Sanzenbacher has historic day receiving for Buckeyes
Published: Sunday, September 26, 2010
[email protected]


Ohio State?s Dane Sanzenbacher, right, runs past Eastern Michigan?s Ryan Downward during the second quarter of Saturday?s game. ASSOCIATED PRESS

COLUMBUS ? No one in their right mind would ever equate the talents of Dane Sanzenbacher to former NFL standout Terry Glenn.

But Sanzenbacher did something on Saturday that only two other Ohio State receivers have ever accomplished: Catch four touchdown passes in one game.

The 5-foot-11, 180-pound senior tied the school record set by Glenn in 1995 against Pittsburgh and by Bob Grimes in 1952 against Washington State.

"Obviously, you never come into a game expecting to do that," Sanzenbacher said. "I think as an offense, we don?t come into a game planning on 73 points, either."


Article published September 26, 2010
Sanzenbacher ties OSU record with 4 TD catches
Central grad helps Buckeyes rip Eastern Michigan

COLUMBUS - Dane Sanzenbacher stepped off a bus here a little more than four years ago, as part of a traveling audition tour for high school players arranged by legendary Cleveland-area coach Ted Ginn Sr.

Sanzenbacher knew he wanted to play college football and hoped to impress the Ohio State coaches enough to get a chance to be a Buckeye, but beyond that, it was just fill-in-the-blanks.

Saturday, the former Central Catholic standout and now senior wide receiver for the Buckeyes tied a school record by catching four touchdown passes as No. 2-ranked Ohio State blasted Eastern Michigan 73-20.

"It's crazy. You don't make plans like this," Sanzenbacher said after scoring on receptions of 31, 9, 7, and 8 yards. He equaled the all-time mark set by Bob Grimes in 1952 against Washington State and then matched by Terry Glenn in 1995 against Pittsburgh.

"It's pretty unbelievable. You don't ever plan to do that," Sanzenbacher said.


Dane steps into the spotlight
BY LARRY PHILLIPS • CentralOhio.com • September 26, 2010

COLUMBUS -- Dane Sanzenbacher seemed well on his way to quietly becoming one of those fine second-banana receivers Ohio State consistently produces.

Dee Miller was David Boston's caddie, Anthony Gonzalez played second fiddle to Ted Ginn. But in Saturday's 73-20 bludgeoning of winless Eastern Michigan, Sanzenbacher eclipsed the star of usual leading man DeVier Posey and found the spotlight as well as the school's record book.

Sanzenbacher caught nine passes for 108 yards and tied Terry Glenn and Bob Grines with four touchdowns.

"It's crazy; you don't make plans like this," Sanzenbacher said. "It's not like I was highly recruited coming out of high school. You come to a place like this, you don't even dream you'll ever get to the point where you tie a record held by a guy like Terry Glenn."

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"Dane's good - I don't know what to tell you," Tressel said "He's where he's supposed to be. We don't really go into a game saying, well, so and so is going to have this. It's all according to who's open, and some of the things we were doing, Dane was the guy that popped open."

Since HS he's been good, since pee wee he's been good. Whether he goes pro or not remains to be seen. That skinny kid from Toledo Central Catholic has been setting records every year he plays in my book. Now, with the right QB, opportunities and a little luck he finds himself in the spotlight. Time to shine, Dane, take it all in, enjoy the moment and go back out there next week and humbly kick some more Big Ten ass. I love this (kid) young man! :osu:
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utgrad73;1780453; said:
Since HS he's been good, since pee wee he's been good. Whether he goes pro or not remains to be seen....

Oh, he's going to get his chance, make no mistake. The success of Wes Welker means that his type of intelligent, positional route running is very valuable in the NFL. He needs to take Welker out for a nice steak dinner or something once he get his signing bonus.

Before Welker, someone like Dane would be relegated to 5th round or less, just based on measurables. Now, he could go on the third round or better. If he makes some clutch catches against more top opponents, his value will go way up.
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He's also an exceptional blocker considering his size. He needs to put on about 20 more pounds to be as effective in the NFL. Blocking would be a must even if its just getting in the way of the D backs.

His route running is perfect and I dont remember ever seeing him drop a pass. Gonzalez 2.0 is exactly right. Brady, Brees, Manning, Rogers and Rivers would all love and use him in their offense.
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