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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)


Pryor didn't run on purpose the entire first half, but he was sacked a couple of times trying to escape pressure. In the meantime, though, he threw TD passes to Dane Sanzenbacher (22 yards at 6:35 of the first), running back Brandon Saine (60 yards at 13:31 of the second) and DeVier Posey (18 yards at 6:55 of the second).
All those did was augment the lead that running back Daniel "Boom" Herron had given the Buckeyes with a 39-yard touchdown burst through the left side to cap their game-opening possession. Cutting left to daylight created by left tackle Mike Adams and left guard Justin Boren, Herron sprinted to his sixth TD of the season.
Sanzenbacher regained the team's season TD lead at seven soon enough when Pryor spotted him wide open cutting across the backside of the IU defense.

The chemistry between TP and Sanzo seems to be excellent. Too many mismaches for the secondary to deal with. With a healthy Stoneburner out there next week, we give them more to chase around the secondary.
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Dane continues to impress me. I think Dane is the #1 receiver for this team. Pryor always seems to find dane, its like hes always open. I'm not sure what quarter it was, but there was a was a quick pass that Pryor threw to Dane on saturday and he made a crazy catch, and it looked like he was gonna take a loss but he got a nice gain. He might not have the best top end straight speed, But he is quick. The kid is a football player.
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Sanzenbacher: ?We welcome the challenge of having that little No. 1 by our name?

I guess the big news this week is that we?re the new No. 1 team in the country. It?s a pretty cool feeling. We?ve put in a lot of hard work all offseason and all season on a quest to prove we?re the best team in the country. I?m sure everybody in the hunt right now feels like it?s on its own little quest, too. But right now, we?re that team. We welcome the challenge of having that little No. 1 by our name.

The good and the bad of being No. 1 is similar to what it?s like to play for Ohio State. On one hand, you get to be a part of something great. There are so many outstanding people that came before us, and so many fans that support us. At the same time, we know everybody we play is circling us on the calendar. We have a name that means something to other school.

It will be the same this weekend at Wisconsin. We had a great game with them two years ago at their place, where we had to go down the field at the end and score a touchdown to win. When you go back through the film, you remember that there were so many close calls. We had a fumble that we recovered, a ball over the middle of the field that we caught in between about four guys. And then Terrelle (Pryor) runs it in to give us the score. It was one of the crazier drives I?ve been around.

That was a big game, and Saturday will be a big game, too. The good news is that we play in a lot of big games. You can play better because you have been there before. Now, does it any easier to go to Wisconsin at night, and play a really good team? No way. It?s going to be physical and tough. And we?ll be ready.

Read more: http://www.sportingnews.com/ncaa-fo...aries-dane-sanzenbacher-jj-watt#ixzz12NpHutao
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Different perspective
Receiver Dane Sanzenbacher crosses the divide from the football field into his brother Adam's world of art
Friday, October 15, 2010
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch



GOING DEEP: Ohio State receiver Dane Sanzenbacher beats Marshall's Rashad Jackson on a 65-yard touchdown catch. (Kyle Robertson | Dispatch)
Here's a succinct review from Dane Sanzenbacher, art aficionado.

"Actually, I've never claimed to know a lot about art, but when something's cool you can tell it's cool," the Ohio State senior receiver said.

Such was the case when he walked into his brother Adam's apartment a couple of years ago and saw a little green chair sitting in a corner. Except it wasn't really a chair.

"It was cut out so that it looked three-dimensional, but it was flat so you could hang it on your wall," Dane said. "So it was like this green, flat chair, but if it was sitting in a dark corner, you might just think it's a real mini-chair over there.

"I told him, 'Man, that is really cool.' And he was like, 'Oh, yeah, that was one of my projects.' But I told him, 'I want that thing.' "

Dane's next birthday, Adam presented him with a replica, a green chair that really isn't.

"It's hanging in my room right now," Dane said.

It might as well be a trophy celebrating his relationship with his older brother.

Adam and Dane Sanzenbacher grew up about a year and a half apart in southeastern Toledo, in a house just a stone's throw from the wide Maumee River. Lee and Marianne Sanzenbacher evidently sure their only two children, though obviously talented as athletes even as youngsters, were exposed to more than sports.

"One thing I always thought was really cool about my parents was they never pushed us in a specific direction," Dane said. "They let us do what we wanted to do. They were never the kind of parents who were over the top about sports. They were there for support, there for the ride in whatever their kid wanted to do."

And some times, they took them on a ride, like the frequent trips to art museums with mom.

"It wasn't the most fun thing for me as a kid, but now I know it's cool to have been exposed to that," Dane said. "I think it's been awesome both me and Adam to have more than one path shown to us as we were growing up."

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