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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

First and foremost Im here to praise Dane not to bash anyone else so here it goes:

Dane you may be the least natural football talent on this team and have nowhere near the skill of these other players, but you come out every Saturday and play with heart and toughness. Thank you for putting on your big boys pads today and coming to play. I believe you are the best player on this team, if the some of the other players had 1/10 the heart you had maybe they would be better for it, and we could still be #1. Thank you Dane Sanzenbacher for coming with heart every Saturday and playing your ass off. We may never here your name in any All American hype and whatnot but in my mind you are the best player on this team. Thank you for bringing your heart out there onto the field thank you. I now leave the computer before this gets out of control. Thank you Dane!!!!!
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OhioState001;1794844; said:
First and foremost Im here to praise Dane not to bash anyone else so here it goes:

Dane you may be the least natural football talent on this team and have nowhere near the skill of these other players, but you come out every Saturday and play with heart and toughness. Thank you for putting on your big boys pads today and coming to play. I believe you are the best player on this team, if the some of the other players had 1/10 the heart you had maybe they would be better for it, and we could still be #1. Thank you Dane Sanzenbacher for coming with heart every Saturday and playing your ass off. We may never here your name in any All American hype and whatnot but in my mind you are the best player on this team. Thank you for bringing your heart out there onto the field thank you. I now leave the computer before this gets out of control. Thank you Dane!!!!!
I am not so sure that Dane is the least natural football talent on the team, infact he might not be anywhere close. I agree though, he had one hell of a performance tonight and without him we would have gotton blown out and humiliated. I think Dane will make it in the NFL.
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Deety;1794891; said:
Sanzo was awesome tonight. He put it all on the line for the team and made some terrific catches. Wish it turned out differently, but nonetheless, the guy deserves kudos for some incredible efforts.

If everyone played like Dane did tonight we'd still be undefeated. We didn't make enough plays as a team, but he sure made his share.
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OhioState001;1794844; said:
First and foremost Im here to praise Dane not to bash anyone else so here it goes:

Dane you may be the least natural football talent on this team and have nowhere near the skill of these other players, but you come out every Saturday and play with heart and toughness. Thank you for putting on your big boys pads today and coming to play. I believe you are the best player on this team, if the some of the other players had 1/10 the heart you had maybe they would be better for it, and we could still be #1. Thank you Dane Sanzenbacher for coming with heart every Saturday and playing your ass off. We may never here your name in any All American hype and whatnot but in my mind you are the best player on this team. Thank you for bringing your heart out there onto the field thank you. I now leave the computer before this gets out of control. Thank you Dane!!!!!

What you probably wanted to say while praising Dane is despite his size he plays with a big heart. He is what is called a baller. He defies his size and makes clutch plays when they are most needed. He's done that since HS and why does this surprise some people. He knows how to play under the lights on the "big stage" as ESPN's May likes to say. Dane will be remembered for his toughness and grit and is a true leader on the team. We lost one - we will bounce back and kick every ounce of crap out Purdue next week. Let's don't look back, let's take away a valuable lesson tonight and play with heart next week and beyond. See you at the game. :osu:
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Game ball for Dane. Best player on our side of the field without a doubt. Hell of a game.
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