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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

"We proved that we could deliver on what we worked on," Sanzenbacher said.

Deliver he did along with host of others. This is a very good football team.

toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

DANE'S DISTANCE: Ohio State senior wide receiver Dane Sanzenbacher caught a 65-yard touchdown pass in the first quarter of last night's win over Marshall. Sanzenbacher has had touchdown receptions in the season-opener in three of his four seasons at Ohio State.

As a freshman, the first reception of Sanzenbacher's Ohio State career was a three-yard touchdown catch on a pass from Todd Boeckman. Last season as a junior, Sanzenbacher caught a 38-yard touchdown pass from Terrelle Pryor in the opening win over Navy.
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Watching him last season and closely last night, I don't think anybody can cover him 1 on 1. He has a Steve Largent like ability to get open through a combination of quickness, moves and route running.:osu2:
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Dane looked fantastic last night. It is obvious that he takes his craft seriously. He does all the things necessary to get open. Couple that with the accuracy and velocity on TP's throws last night and Dane should have a monster Senior campaign.
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“I think you've been able to see, not only through the season, but through his time here, that his consistency has improved every year,” Sanzenbacher said.

“It's something we've preached about all off-season, that when you feel more comfortable, things slow down for you, and you can make those passes. Being able to throw those passes comfortably leads to all of those completions.”

I heard him say a few words on a BTN post game interview, that one hand catch was a thing of beauty. He said jokingly that "it was how we drew it up" and that Pryor makes him look good out there. I think that's being humble, that catch made Pryor look good. One of the 16 in a row.
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utgrad73;1775093; said:

I heard him say a few words on a BTN post game interview, that one hand catch was a thing of beauty. He said jokingly that "it was how we drew it up" and that Pryor makes him look good out there. I think that's being humble, that catch made Pryor look good. One of the 16 in a row.

I agree, but my impression is that this is the point that Dane was making. Immediately after "...he makes me look good a lot of times out there" he said "...so I try to help him out whenever I can." To me it seemed that this was acknowledgement that his one-hander helped out TP's stat sheet a little.
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OhioState001;1779568; said:
Bump for 8 catches 100 yards and 3 TD's in the first half. This dudes a beast hope he gets some more recognition.

I really hope he starts to get some more recognition too. This kid has worked his butt off since day 1, and I think people around College Football dont give this kid much credit.
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Dane seems to be TP's favorite WR. I don't think he's the most talented (not a knock on him, but rather the crazy talent Posey has), but he has a knack for making the tough catch...........and runs the slant route as good as any WR in the country.

Great game today!!!
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