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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

It's part of his game - working the middle and making catches in traffic. He said he learned early on that he had to make up for lack of size (5 feet 11, 190 pounds) with toughness.
"You can't play if you don't like to hit," he said. "When you grow up and you're not one of the bigger guys, you kind of have to take on that role or you won't see the field."

Good point for all those fledgling high school ballers. Just keep a good work ethic and can do attitude and voila. Dane will be known for his toughness despite his Johnny Knowville look! :biggrin:

I can't wait for Sept 2.
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BuckeyeRob;550055; said:
While I do agree about the young mans attitude and desire to be a buckeye, I think this young man is a serious reach by this staff. I can see making an offer if you have room in December (late) but in July????

His current offers are all MAC schools with the exception of Iowa. I just dont see him ever making a major contribution. He's not particularly tall and IMO he is too slow to put in the secondary. Basically, he is probably going to be a possession type reciever or special teams player. Thats why Im really surprised at an offer this early given his size, speed and offers

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From the video interview above:

Q -"Did you ever think you'd rather go to a school that passes more?"

Dane - "There was no question in my mind, when I got the Ohio State offer, this is where I was gonna end up. Being an Ohio kid, I didn't even take a visit anywhere else, just because you can't really get any better than playing in a program like this."
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BB73;1742724; said:
From the video interview above:

Q -"Did you ever think you'd rather go to a school that passes more?"

Dane - "There was no question in my mind, when I got the Ohio State offer, this is where I was gonna end up. Being an Ohio kid, I didn't even take a visit anywhere else, just because you can't really get any better than playing in a program like this."

From the interview it is clear that he has a passion for OSU that I love to see. I can also tell he passed Tressel speak 101 :biggrin:
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What a great presence in front of the camera. He is truly a Buckeye leader and an example to the rest of the team. Speaks well, is coherent and seems to have his head screwed on right. I hope he is voted one of the captains this year.
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Article published August 09, 2010
Wow, it's senior year already?
Sanzenbacher set for his final season

COLUMBUS - Dane Sanzenbacher's career at Ohio State has had a lot more of those "Wow" moments than he ever expected. There was another one Sunday when the Buckeyes gathered inside Ohio Stadium for a formal team picture, and then a lot of impromptu shots with the family members on hand.

Sanzenbacher, a senior from Central Catholic, said it was stunning to comprehend that this was his final time to pose in an Ohio State uniform. The leap from uncertain, unknown and possibly undersized freshman four years ago to the team's most experienced wide receiver had passed in a blur.

"Coming down the ramp into the stadium today, it hits you that as a senior, you are doing a lot of these things for the last time," Sanzenbacher said. "I just shake my head thinking about it. Those four years have absolutely flown by - good times, tough times - it all seems to go by so fast."

Sanzenbacher said he has a vivid recollection of his initial days as a freshman, and preparing to enter the stadium for the first time in a game uniform.

"You're just standing there, looking out into that huge place, and imagining what it must be like on game day, and to be down on that field for it," he said. "As a freshman, you're just kind of in awe of everything. I sat there and stared at my game jersey and just couldn't believe it was Ohio State and it had my name on the back. Everything football related is a big deal down here, and even now, four years later, I still get that same feeling."

toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio
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toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

The scrimmage took place before just a few hundred spectators in cavernous Ohio Stadium, also the site of the unprecedented Thursday night game to open the season. Other than the outcome, the next most significant thing out of the scrimmage was that several top players did not play or only played sparingly.

Among those were wide receivers Dane Sanzenbacher (right shoulder), a Central Catholic graduate, and Grant Schwartz (leg) and defensive end Nathan Williams (knee), along with several who sat out the scrimmage because of various minor bumps and bruises.

Any updates on Dane's shoulder?
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Contributions on the practice field too

Notes and Quotes on Ohio State football.

Mentors Galore
It's the job of the coaching staff to coach, but sometime the best instruction comes from your peers. That's true on the Buckeye football team, where there is no shortage of players who are willing to help their teammates get better. For DeVier Posey, Dane Sanzenbacher is the guy to look to for help when he needs it.
Dane Sanzenbacher
Photo by Jim Davidson

"Dane is big to me," said Posey.
"Somebody like that, its beyond words.
"I don?t know if you guys understand how much of a leader he is. He?s not a really vocal guy but he?s just one of those guys who?s going to grind every day. He puts in the work and I've just learned so much from him.
"For a player like me to have someone like Dane to line up right inside of me and be able to ask him stuff, he?s like having another coach Hazell on the field. He?s a special kid. The things he knows and understands about football is a step above me. He?s definitely the leader in the receiver room."
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Seniors Bryant Browning, Cameron Heyward, Ross Homan, Brian Rolle, Brandon Saine and Dane Sanzenbacher were elected as 2010 captains of the Ohio State football team, as announced to the squad today.
This is just the second time in Ohio State?s 121-season football history that six Buckeyes will serve as season-long leaders for the squad. In 1982, Glen Cobb, Jerome Foster, Joe Lukens, Marcus Marek, Tim Spencer and Gary Williams served as captains; the Buckeyes elected five captains for the 1974, 1989 and 1990 campaigns.

Ok this is good. Sanzo may be soft spoken but he knows his football. I like the 6 pack concept - strength is the common theme here, both offense and defense. Pretty cool and good choices.
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Buckeyes Name Six Captains for 2010 Season


"It's a real honor to be mentioned among these great leaders," said Sanzenbacher, a wide receiver with 69 career catches from Toledo Central Catholic in Toledo, Ohio. "I don't think it will change much for me; I just want to continue to contribute to this program any way I can."

Cont'd ...
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaM19eogfvU"]YouTube- RAW: OSU's Sanzenbacher Talks Marshall[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uXSwkgnkVk"]YouTube- TBT Video: Ohio State wide receiver Dane Sanzenbacher (http://thebuckeyetimes.com)[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyI0lKv3W3U"]YouTube- Ohio State vs. Marshall 2010: Dane Sanzenbacher[/ame]
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toledoblade.com -- The Blade ~ Toledo Ohio

OSU senior wide receiver and captain Dane Sanzenbacher said the Buckeyes are prepared to make any number of adjustments once the game gets under way and they see what defensive approach Marshall chooses to employ. He said the Ohio State offense is more diverse and flexible than it was a year ago, mainly because of the on-going development of junior quarterback Terrelle Pryor.

"I think we can do more things - it's kind of like just carrying on and taking the next step, from what we did in the Rose Bowl," Sanzenbacher said of Ohio State's very effective offensive blend in the Jan. 1 win over Oregon.

"So we don't really know what Marshall plans to do, since they've got a new coaching staff from last season, but it really becomes just about us, and how well we prepare.

"If we've done our work and prepared ourselves properly over the spring and the summer and then over the past month in camp, then we should be fine."

Listen to the force, the force will guide you. Luke, I mean Dane, you'll be fine - you preped well and have the experience to deal with Marshall's "unknown" spread offense and defense.
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The Killer D's

Buckeyes set to unleash 'Killer D's' | mansfieldnewsjournal.com | Mansfield News Journal

"I don't feel like I've been defined by being the guy who takes the big hit or the guy who flies under the radar," Sanzenbacher said. "I've always tried to play the game tough. As physical as the game is, it's mental, too. Those are the two things I try to build off of. Toughness is a huge part of the game and you can't play the game if you don't play fast. You can be flashy, but if you're not mentally and physically tough, you're not going to make it very far. When you grow up and you're not one of the bigger guys, that's the only way you can get out there.
"I credit a lot to growing up in Toledo. It's such a working class town. Whether I noticed it or not, growing up in that atmosphere, where an iron worker gets up in the morning to go to work and earn a check, it's a mentality that you carry with you."

Locall 55 knows who Sanzo is....

Go Bucks. :oh:
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