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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

The slot position for the Colts is an ideal fit for Gonzo. It will be nice to see him catching a lot of passes from Peyton Manning.

Congratss on being a first round draft choice in the NFL, Anthony.
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Colts get Gonzalez

Anthony Gonzalez is the second Ohio State receiver to be taken in the first round of today's N-F-L draft.The Indianapolis Colts picked Gonzalez with the 32nd and final pick of the opening round after Miami took Buckeyes product Ted Ginn Junior at number-nine.

Gonzalez left school a year early after finishing with 51 receptions for 734 yards and eight touchdowns. He also averaged 14-point-two yards on six punt returns as a junior.

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Restores my faith that good things happen to good people. Excellent fit for Gonzo. How cool is heading to the Super Bowl Champs as a 1st round pick with a degree from TOSU in your back pocket. Best of luck Anthony!!!
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I'm a Bengals fan living in Indy but I watch the Colts quite a bit and listen to a lot of local sports talk radio and all week the buzz has been about the anticipation of hopefully getting Gonzo to fill the huge void left by Brandon Stokley. Stokley had almost the same profile, good guy, speedy, would go up the middle, very gutsy and talented. You didn't hear a lot about Stokley outside of Indy but he was extremely valuable here, very underrated, not flashy (in the typical look at me NFL WR way.)

I'm happy for Anthony, I think this is an ideal situation for him, I mean it's amazing how much AG is a perfect fit in this offense, I have no doubt he's going to adjust easily here and I would guess he'll probably start right away if he catches on as fast as I think he will. The Colts offense works really hard and they thrive off smart, hard working guys that keep their noses clean and just focus on football. Does this not describe Gonzo to a T?

I'm really happy to see two of my favorite Buckeyes here in Indy now with Mike Doss and now Gonzo. I won't go far as to say they'll turn me into a Colts fan but I'm okay with rooting on the Colts as long as they're not playing the Bengals. :)
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Colts fill a need with Buckeye

Sunday, April 29, 2007 12:14 AM CDT
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Times Correspondent


INDIANAPOLIS | The defending Super Bowl champion Colts took a step toward replenishing their depleted roster Saturday by selecting Ohio State wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez with the 32nd and final selection in the first round of the 2007 NFL Draft.
The 6-foot, 193-pound Gonzalez had a career-high 51 receptions for 734 yards (a 14.4 yard average) with eight touchdowns for the Buckeyes last year making the All-Big Ten first team as a junior.
Gonzalez is expected to fill the void created by the loss of Brandon Stokley as the slot receiver in the Colts' three-receiver set. Stokley was released in March in a salary cap-related move.
Gonzalez is the fourth player from the Big Ten in the past five seasons chosen by the Colts with their first selection.
"We feel like he's a perfect replacement for Brandon Stokley," said Colts general manager Bill Polian. "He's played in the slot. He's extremely intelligent -- very similar to Brandon in terms of size, speed and hands. All the intangibles are perfect.

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