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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

Chat with Anthony Gonzalez

In a deep WR class, Scouts Inc. ranks Anthony Gonzalez seventh.Welcome to The Show! On Thursday, NFL prospect and former Ohio State wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez will stop by to chat about the NFL draft.
ESPN.com's Scouts Inc. has evaluated every player in the draft and this is what they say about Gonzalez: ''Gonzalez doesn't make enough big plays for a prospect with his kind of speed, but he has the makings of an excellent possession receiver in the NFL. He runs great routes, fights for the ball while it's in the air and has excellent hands. Gonzalez could come off the board as early as the second round.''

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ESPiN's Scout via Buckskin86;776220; said:
''Gonzalez doesn't make enough big plays for a prospect with his kind of speed, but he has the makings of an excellent possession receiver in the NFL. He runs great routes, fights for the ball while it's in the air and has excellent hands. Gonzalez could come off the board as early as the second round.''


Did they even bother to walk by the film? It's obvious they didn't look at any of it. You can say he didn't have big numbers, but he's made plenty of big plays. That's all he's done for us the past 2 years...

Obviously they just decided to use the cliche that he won't go very high because Ginn is a top-15 prospect. :crazy:
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Gotta love this little exchange here...

Treye (St. Ignatius `99): Congrats Anthony on all your success. Been following you since h.s. (I graduated with your brother Joe). I just wanted to know what has been the most memorable moment of your Ohio State career?

Anthony Gonzalez: It's hard to give one answer. But all of the Michigan victories, all three of them, in particular the last two because they ended in Big Ten championships.

Matt (Ann Arbor): Anthony.. you're officially out of Ohio State, so you can admit it.. you ran out of bounds and weren't forced out.

Anthony Gonzalez: I believe I was forced out and force is dependent upon your definition of forced.

Meltdown! :slappy:
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Times Leader

Gonzo, Pittman are all business
By RICH GIBSON, T-L Sports Writer


FORMER Ohio State wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez signs an autograph for Danny Williams, 6, of Flushing during his appearance at the Ohio Valley.[/center]
Their collegiate careers came to an unceremonious, not to mention, unheralded climax.

One minute they are unbeaten on top of the world and three hours from legendary status. The next, they?re at a loss for words attempting to comprehend their football team?s meltdown for the ages.

So it wasn?t so surprising Anthony Gonzalez and Antonio Pittman did not wish to revisit the bad BCS memories Sunday afternoon.

After all, what?s done is done and can?t be changed. Not no how, not no way.

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ScarletBlood31;790305; said:
Doe New England signing Donte Stallworth mean they might not go after Gonzalez, as was before talked about?
Two different types of receivers, IMO. Stallworth and Washington might play a combined 16 games in New England. Gonzalez would still be a smart pick for them,IMO.
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IronBuckI;790317; said:
Two different types of receivers, IMO. Stallworth and Washington might play a combined 16 games in New England. Gonzalez would still be a smart pick for them,IMO.

I hope so, because Gonzalez is the perfect Belichick guy. He's a smart, hardworking player who will do the little things and make big plays when needed.

New England is going to be pretty nasty next year anyway, and having 2 1st round draft picks, with one hopefully being Gonzo, would be perfect for him to contribute on a great team.
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Character guys worth considering

Adam Schein / Special to FOXSports.com

With Pacman Jones and Chris Henry dominating the headlines, let's look at some of the talented players in this draft who would also be described as great "character" guys, and where they might be drafted.

Anthony Gonzalez: I am a big believer in the Ohio State receiver. Gonzalez told us that the interview process was humbling, meeting with so many football savvy people.

The football world likes Gonzalez, who has a great football IQ and has tested well on every mental challenge administered by coaches and general managers.

He was a team leader for the Buckeyes. Nobody worked harder or practiced longer than Gonzalez.

We expect Gonzalez to be a late first round pick or early second rounder. Gonzalez has great hands, shows no fear, and makes tough catches over the middle. He is a Bill Belichick type of player, and Gonzalez had a great meeting with New England, though the Pats might be out of the receiver business after this offseason. Miami and San Francisco could be waiting if he gets to round two.

Entire article: http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/6645194
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? Ohio State's other junior receiver in the draft, Anthony Gonzalez, is watching his fortunes move in the opposite direction. With more teams focusing on prospects that are quality people as well as good football players, Gonzalez has moved up draft boards. Considered a second-round pick prior to the combine, there is a belief Gonzalez could sneak into the late part of Round 1 and end up with the San Diego Chargers.

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