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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

I think Gonzo has the Q & A down pat in these days when teams are looking more for athletic gifts and good character.

Q: What would be your ideal situation?
A: I don’t know. People always ask that. People always say, ‘Do you want to play for this team?’ I’ll play for any team. I want to play football. The hardest part of this whole process, to be honest, is not having teammates – just being one guy, trying to train so he can get drafted the highest. It’s difficult not being with teammates and not having that bond, that brotherhood that you get from being on a team. That’s the most difficult part. I just want to be picked. I just want a team. I want to meet people and have coaches, have a team, and try to win football games. That’s what I want to try to do.
The rest of that linked article is a great read as well.
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Awesome Quote

Awesome quote. Get used to the isolation, AG.

So who else thinks AG would make an incredible coach at OSU? I would just like to keep seeing him represent our University. I know he upset some people with the "oppressed" statement, but that's youth speaking, and a little philosophy.
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BuckBojangles;761894; said:
Awesome quote. Get used to the isolation, AG.

So who else thinks AG would make an incredible coach at OSU? I would just like to keep seeing him represent our University. I know he upset some people with the "oppressed" statement, but that's youth speaking, and a little philosophy.

I think it was "exploited".
But I agree he will be an excellent ambassador for tOSU in the future. I don't think he will trade his law dreams in for being a coach, though. He seems to know what he wants to accomplish.
And by the way, how did you photoshop that picture of my arm onto Venon's body? You can't hardly tell.......:biggrin:
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Two-minute drill: Anthony Gonzalez
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Five questions with former Ohio State receiver Anthony Gonzalez at the NFL scouting combine:
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Padraig;762525; said:
Gonzo just ran an unofficial 4.08 shuttle...they mentioned that A.J. ran a 3.95 shuttle last year :yow1:
And, truth be told, he looked disappointed in his performance when he finished - as he slipped on the first turn.

EDIT - Gonzo also put up a 38 inch leap in the Vertical Jump - which put him at 2nd on the list of WRs for the moment.

All in all not a bad workout for Anthony.
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I think next fall Anthony, if asked behind closed doors, would tell you that he misses playing here. He just seems like such a "team" player and that will easily get lost in the "bling-bling" life in the NFL. Anthony will be a star at the next level, but when his career is over, without a doubt he'll tell you that his greatest time playing football was his time at TOSU. JMO. Peace.
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I agree... I thought he would run a better 40 time, however I didn't expect a top time in the shuttle...

Somebody is going to get a really good number 2 (prob. number 3 in his first year working up to the number 2) WR for "cheap" (prob. second round)...
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