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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

Saw31;716964; said:
The minimum salary for a rookie next year will be $225,000. Gonzo will make considerably more than that as a drafted player. Leaving early is the only rational decision anyone other than Bill Gates could make. The idea that his leaving is a poor decision is friggin ridiculous. He's going to have a degree and then he gets to play a child's game for lots o' money....Where's the decision?

Makes what Doss did even more special.
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If true, that's just amazing. Hard for anyone to say that JT doesn't take care of his players--that suggestion goes directly against his best interests, yet he goes out of the way to bring it up...
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Saw31;716964; said:
The idea that his leaving is a poor decision is friggin ridiculous. He's going to have a degree and then he gets to play a child's game for lots o' money....Where's the decision?

$225,000 is lots of money, but $1M+ a year is even more...a "senior" year as OSU's top WR, all-conference and possible All-American honors--not to mnetion another year in the tent and under our strength, speed, and conditioning program--would push his draft stock way up.
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MililaniBuckeye;720825; said:
$225,000 is lots of money, but $1M+ a year is even more...a "senior" year as OSU's top WR, all-conference and possible All-American honors--not to mnetion another year in the tent and under our strength, speed, and conditioning program--would push his draft stock way up.

I don't doubt his draft status would drastically improve (especially considering how stacked this draft is with WRs). But he's mentioned graduate degrees several times -- and never in reference to Ohio State. If he's finishing his bachelors this year, it doesn't really make sense for him to stick around academically.
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LightningRod;717104; said:
I don't view Gonzo as somebody who is leaving early. He is a 4 year player who will receive his degree in June. He has no intentions of attending grad school at OSU, so what exactly is he supposed to do about academics if he did return? Good luck Gonzo, you have earned it.

A point that makes me wonder why I ever thought for a second that he might return. Gonzo did everything that an ideal 4 year student athlete could possibly do, except play as a freshman. I highly doubt that he would have considered "Golf" "Aids Awareness" or "Ballroom-Dancing" to keep himself eligible. Best Of Luck again Anthony.
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MililaniBuckeye;720825; said:
$225,000 is lots of money, but $1M+ a year is even more...a "senior" year as OSU's top WR, all-conference and possible All-American honors--not to mnetion another year in the tent and under our strength, speed, and conditioning program--would push his draft stock way up.

-Troy = (much) Less passes thrown = not as good production


-Ginn = all attentionon him = less production

= About the same money and no worries of getting injured
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Hubbard;720839; said:
-Troy = (much) Less passes thrown = not as good production


-Ginn = all attentionon him = less production

= About the same money and no worries of getting injured

I doubt there will be all that much "less passes thrown". With Pitt gone, I don't think JT will dump 25-30 carries a game on him.

As for "all attention on Ginn", although the NC may seem to "prove" this, so many opposing coaches mentioned Gonzo ahead of Ginn as to who they wooried about on offense. And keep in mind that Hall, Robo, and Hartline weren't exactly running free in the Florida secondary either...
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MililaniBuckeye;720883; said:
I doubt there will be all that much "less passes thrown". With Pitt gone, I don't think JT will dump 25-30 carries a game on him.

As for "all attention on Ginn", although the NC may seem to "prove" this, so many opposing coaches mentioned Gonzo ahead of Ginn as to who they wooried about on offense. And keep in mind that Hall, Robo, and Hartline weren't exactly running free in the Florida secondary either...

Fewer, less same difference. The NC game is not my evidence to support the Ginn/Gonzo relationship though precisely for the reasons you mentioned and the OL deciding to take the day off.
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Hubbard;720924; said:
Fewer, less same difference. The NC game is not my evidence to support the Ginn/Gonzo relationship though precisely for the reasons you mentioned and the OL deciding to take the day off.

Hubs, my point was that although his staying for his final year may not have put him in the first round or so, it would've made enough of an improvement over this draft to warrant staying for his last year.
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MililaniBuckeye;720825; said:
$225,000 is lots of money, but $1M+ a year is even more...a "senior" year as OSU's top WR, all-conference and possible All-American honors--not to mnetion another year in the tent and under our strength, speed, and conditioning program--would push his draft stock way up.

That's a roll of the dice compared to guaranteed money...There is nothing surprising or shocking about his decision. I would take my chances as well in his situation...We (he) won't know if it was the right decision for a few years...
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Saw31;720941; said:
That's a roll of the dice compared to guaranteed money...There is nothing surprising or shocking about his decision. I would take my chances as well in his situation...We (he) won't know if it was the right decision for a few years...

I agree. I'm not saying his decision is wrong, but rather countering those folks who think he wouldn't have increased his draft stock with a solid fourth year...
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yeah a lot of coaches of opposing teams did mention gonzo as a better pure WR than ginn. but pretty much every team put there #1 CB on him (texas: ross, UM: Hall, etc.) because he had that gamebreaking ability. teams considered him more of a threat because he had that explosive speed and the ability the house the ball any time he touched it.
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