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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

I think Gonzo would be a perfect fit as the replacement for Brandon Stokely in Indy..Stokely seems to be getting more injury prone, and Gonzo could step right in and fill that spot immediately. Of course, just about any WR could do well in Manning's offense.
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DeRoy0610;722857; said:
might help gonzo's draft stock a little bit, but jeff samardjiza is quitting football for baseball so you can scratch him off the NFL draft list. he just signed a 5 year $10 million dollar contract with the cubs.

Smardjiza is the domer's most overrated domer (yes, moreso than Weiss or Quinn). Anyone remember the jump ball Brady threw in their bowl game? Landed right on Smardjiza's helmet (bonk). He didn't even look around, let alone jump for it. I suspect most serious pro scouts already have Gonzo ahead of this lamer.
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HineyBuck;722909; said:
Smardjiza is the domer's most overrated domer (yes, moreso than Weiss or Quinn). Anyone remember the jump ball Brady threw in their bowl game? Landed right on Smardjiza's helmet (bonk). He didn't even look around, let alone jump for it. I suspect most serious pro scouts already had Gonzo ahead of this lamer.

Sorry, but the fact that until recently mock drafts had Tom Zbikowski going in the first round makes him the most overrated domer.
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scarletngrey11;722913; said:
Sorry, but the fact that until recently mock drafts had Tom Zbikowski going in the first round makes him the most overrated domer.

Ok, let's start a "most overrated domer" thread. I vote for Smardjza. You vote for Zbikowski. What about "Brady Quinn = Justin Zwick with experience" or "Charlie Weiss = Phat Phil with attitude?" Set up a poll.
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HineyBuck;722916; said:
Ok, let's start a "most overrated domer" thread. I vote for Smardjza. You vote for Zbikowski. What about "Brady Quinn = Justin Zwick with experience" or "Charlie Weiss = Phat Phil with attitude?" Set up a poll.

I think all of them are extremely overrated, not just one of them. ALL of them
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I think Gonzo will go in the 2nd for sure...unless he runs like a 4.3 flat and someone takes him late in the 1st. A lot of it also depends on what team needs are like...this could be a year where not many teams are looking to spend their top picks on WR's. Who knows.
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Cornerback6;722937; said:
I think Gonzo will go in the 2nd for sure...unless he runs like a 4.3 flat and someone takes him late in the 1st. A lot of it also depends on what team needs are like...this could be a year where not many teams are looking to spend their top picks on WR's. Who knows.

Last year was a very soft WR class, whereas this year is loaded. Johnson, Ginn, Jarrett, Bowe, Rice, Gonzo, and others I'm forgetting. I think GMs in the bottom of the 1st will take note of the uncharacteristic WR talent and take some while they can. BPA
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HineyBuck;722916; said:
Ok, let's start a "most overrated domer" thread. I vote for Smardjza. You vote for Zbikowski. What about "Brady Quinn = Justin Zwick with experience" or "Charlie Weiss = Phat Phil with attitude?" Set up a poll.

Let's lay off the Buckeye bashing...
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MililaniBuckeye;723047; said:
Let's lay off the Buckeye bashing...

Sorry, that came out wrong--not intended as a bash. Of the domers mentioned, Brady is the one I consider legit. I know many of you disagree, but I think he is a damned fine QB. Further, I see Brady and Justin as very similar (size, strength, arm strength, talent, skill, style of play, etc). The only thing Justin lacks on Brady is experience. With experience, Justin will be every bit as good.

Now back to Gonzo, Smarshmellow's opting for baseball will have no effect on Gonzo's draft status because Gonzo would grade out higher by any decent pro scout.
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HineyBuck;723217; said:
Sorry, that came out wrong--not intended as a bash. Of the domers mentioned, Brady is the one I consider legit. I know many of you disagree, but I think he is a damned fine QB. Further, I see Brady and Justin as very similar (size, strength, arm strength, talent, skill, style of play, etc). The only thing Justin lacks on Brady is experience. With experience, Justin will be every bit as good.

Now back to Gonzo, Smarshmellow's opting for baseball will have no effect on Gonzo's draft status because Gonzo would grade out higher by any decent pro scout.

That's presuming most scouts are "decent" :wink2:
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Well, regardless, it helps out Gonzo alot. Samardjiza probably would have been right up with Gonzo, or maybe a little higher with the domer hyper, and now thats just one less reciever for Gonzo to compete with. I think this really helps his chances of going 2nd round, or higher, especially if he has good workouts.
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NFLExperts Combine Blog
11:38 a.m.: Ohio State wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez was asked about the BCS Championship game and if it stuck with him. “It’s definitely a sore spot. You spend hours and hours and hours preparing to make sure your career doesn’t end like that, but it did. That’s real. That’s the reality, and you accept it and try to move on.” When asked what he would bring to the NFL. “What I hope to bring, and what I plan to bring is consistency, reliability and accountability. And it’s those three things on and off the field.”
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Q and A with Ohio State WR Gonzalez print

Ohio State wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez drew quite a crowd during his Friday media session at the Combine. Find out more about this highly regarded receiver in this Q&A?

http://49ers.com/pressbox/news_detail.php?PRKey=2845&section=PR News
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