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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

Anthony Gonzalez Train Picking Up Steam
Posted Apr 21st 2007 7:06AM by Ryan Wilson
Filed under: Patriots, AFC East, NFL Draft, NFL Rumors



1. Anthony Gonzalez, WR Ohio State -- Gonzalez was about as good as it gets. He's extremely bright, has an in-depth knowledge of the game, displays a maturity beyond his years and understands defenses. Gonzalez is earmarked for the second round off his speed and production, but if a team steps up late in the first round it would be a good football decision.

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Risers and Fallers

Updated on April 23, 2007
There isn't a better time to be rising on draft boards -- or worse time to be falling -- than in the final days leading up to the draft.
NFL teams have spent the past year in an exhaustive search for new talent. Most clubs finalized their boards this past weekend, but the rankings aren't locked until draft day. Private workouts and interviews, as well as late-breaking medical or character news, can send a player's stock soaring or tumbling in these final few days.
Questions surrounding Michigan defensive tackle Alan Branch's health, for example, could send the run-stuffer into the mid or even late first round when he has long been considered a likely top 10 selection.
The focus in the final Risers & Fallers is on many of the biggest names in this year's draft class:

Anthony Gonzalez, WR, Ohio State: Gonzalez may lack teammate Ted Ginn's big name, but there are many teams who feel he is the surer NFL receiver. Referring to his more reliable route-running, hands and toughness, teams feel Gonzalez has the ability to be a consistent threat in the NFL, and because of his technique he may be able to do it more quickly than most of the receivers selected ahead of him. Gonzalez's high character grades are also getting scouts' attention as the Rhodes Scholar candidate recently announced he will donate a portion of his off-field income from autograph shows and endorsements to two charities -- the American Cancer Society and the Arrupe Neighborhood Partnership Program at St. Ignatius High School.
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Versatility should serve Gonzalez well in NFL
Receiver has willingness to do whatever's necessary to win
Friday, April 27, 2007 6:50 AM
By Tim May


As the NFL draft nears, a player hopes he has chipped out a niche that sets him apart from others at his position. It appears that Ohio State's Anthony Gonzalez has. Analysts know that he's smart and fast with good hands, but that can be said about a lot of the receivers in the draft this weekend. What sets Gonzalez apart, at least among those rated to go in the first few rounds, is his willingness to do anything in the name of moving the ball.

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Good for Gonzo. From all the news about him rising, it seems like he's working hard to get a great spot in the draft. I think he is underrated in this draft but that's just my opinion. Maybe now he would be moving up to the late teens to early 20's in the first round for draft picks.
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