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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

2002 Gonzo-led comeback vs Massillon

Gonzo just takes over in the 2nd half of the video, including a filthy one handed grab.
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[FONT=arial,helvetica]Left: Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the team's top draft pick, from Ohio State, puts on his helmet for a photograph after football practice at the Colts' complex in Indianapolis on Friday, May 4, 2007. (AP Photo/Tom Strickland)

[/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica] Indianapolis Colts rookie wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the team's top draft pick, from Ohio State, leaves the field after football practice at the Colts' complex in Indianapolis on Friday, May 4, 2007. (AP Photo/Tom Strickland)[/FONT]
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Published: May 05, 2007 05:54 pm

Rookies impress Dungy on first day

By Tom James
Tribune-Star Correspondent

As for Gonzalez and how his first official practice went, Dungy admitted that the former Ohio State wide receiver was as good as advertised.

?He?s was what we thought he was going to be, no question. He?s a good player, he can run and catch the ball. He works hard and the things that we thought when we drafted him. I think he?s going to fit right in, as a lot of guys in this class [of first-year players],? Dungy said.

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OregonBuckeye;833931; said:
Maybe I'm just stating the obvious but I think it's shadows that make his skin look so dark.
it would make sense for his arms to be dark if it were only due to the shadows; however, his face is the same color/tone as his arms. it may not be the case that the developers actually made him black or at-least dark-skinned, but it certainly appears that way.
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OSU_Buckguy;833935; said:
it would make sense for his arms to be dark if it were only due to the shadows; however, his face is the same color/tone as his arms. it may not be the case that the developers actually made him black or at-least dark-skinned, but it certainly appears that way.

I noticed that too. I assumed that could also be a shadow, but maybe it really is just his skin tone. Guess we won't know for sure until the game comes out.
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May 7, 2007
Colts rookie receiver Anthony Gonzalez
Family presence
Led by an 85-year-old matriarch, the Gonzalez clan is a tightknit group

By Phil Richards
[email protected]

Anthony Gonzalez

? Position: Wide receiver.
? Height, weight: 6-0, 193.
? Born: Cleveland; Sept. 19, 1984.
? Family: Son of Eduardo and Jenna Gonzalez. Eduardo is president of Ferragon Corp., a processed flat-rolled steel producer with plants in Ohio, Michigan and Mississippi. Jenna teaches eighth grade. Brothers are Nick, a plant supervisor with Ferragon, and Joe, an equities trader in Chicago. Sister is Cristina, a sophomore at Loyola University in Chicago.
? High school: Led St. Ignatius in Cleveland to state championship as a junior and was first-team all-state and Associated Press co-Defensive Player of the Year as a senior.
? College: Played three years at Ohio State. Caught 51 passes for 734 yards and eight touchdowns in 2006 while playing in the shadow of All-American receiver Ted Ginn Jr.
? Academics: Philosophy major whose go-to philosopher is Plato. ("You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation," wrote Plato.)
? Giving back: Has pledged a portion of his off-field income to the American Cancer Society and a St. Ignatius neighborhood program.
? Hobbies: Golf. Shoots 85 to 95, but "I sneak into the 70s once a year." Cooking. Specializes in Cuban dishes and particularly likes preparing black beans and rice.

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