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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)







Michael Conroy / Associated Press


Michael Conroy / Associated Press
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Super Bowl champions complete deal with 1st-round pick Gonzalez
By Michael Marot, AP Sports Writer

INDIANAPOLIS ? Receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the Indianapolis Colts' first-round pick, agreed to a five-year contract worth $10.3 million Thursday, a person close to the negotiations said.
That person is not authorized to release details of the deal and requested anonymity, but said $5.4 million is guaranteed. The base deal is worth $7.5 million and Gonzalez can earn another $2.8 million through escalator clauses and bonuses.

Super Bowl champions complete deal with 1st-round pick Gonzalez - USATODAY.com
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Gonzalez early bird ? Wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez, the Colts? first-round draft pick, certainly knows how to make a good impression on his new employer.

Gonzalez, who signed a five-year contract with Indianapolis last week, was the first Colts player to arrive Sunday for the start of training camp, pulling up to the residence-hall area around 10:15 a.m. He was followed minutes later by his Ohio State teammate, wide receiver Roy Hall.

?I didn?t know how long it was going to take me to get here,? he said, trying to explain why he beat everybody else to the punch Sunday morning. ?Better to be early than late, I guess. I know what a college [training] camp is all about and I would imagine it?s pretty similar from a workload standpoint. But I?m just excited to get in here and become even more a part of this team. I?m happy and thrilled to be a part [of the Colts].?

So much so that he made it a point to stress to anyone who would listen that he wanted to be with the team when training camp started.

?The only reason why I really cared so much about getting [his contract] done right away is because I wanted to be in [camp] on time,? he said. ?I hate missing things. I was one of those guys who barely ever missed class in college. I just don?t like missing things. That?s just how I am.?

Quarterback Peyton Manning, who knows a thing or two about putting extra time in both on and off the field in order to improve, understands Gonzalez?s mindset.

?Well, I tell you. He is a guy who is kind of known for being somewhat of a gym rat and that kind of reputation sort of proceeded him [to the NFL]. I think that will hopefully pay dividends for him in his NFL career,? Manning said.

?I?ve always believed that if you work hard in college in order to get drafted, you need to work even harder once you get into the NFL to try and excel as a player. But in the short time that I?ve been around him, Anthony seems to have a great work ethic. We are excited to get him out there on the field with full speed and pads and get in some these preseason games and see what he really looks like.?

? Have hyperbolic chamber, will travel ? Gonzalez earned a reputation at Ohio State of doing whatever it took in order to be a success and win games. That attitude carries over to the way he prepares himself for practices and games.

As part of his year-round conditioning program, the Colts? first-year receiver has his own hyperbolic chamber in which he sleeps in every night. Gonzalez uses the chamber to help promote healing from injuries and for general overall good health.

And yes, he brought it with him to training camp.

?I have my little tent thing,? he explained. ?I don?t know if you guys know what that is, but I got to set that up. It takes a while to [set up].?

Terre Haute News, Terre Haute, Indiana- TribStar.com - Colts arrive ready to get down to business
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