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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)

Wednesday, September 12
By staff - Colts.com

(Rookie wide receiver) Anthony Gonzalez didn?t get many opportunities and the one that he did get, he was interfered with. They didn?t call it, but that?s OK. He?ll get more opportunities. It was just that kind of a game where we weren?t going to be in a lot of three wide receivers.

Q: Will first-round draft choice and wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez play more as the season continues?

A: He played a little bit on Thursday night and I think his role will expand over time, as he gets more comfortable with the offense. A lot of it depends, too, on what kind of match-ups you can get in the secondary and what kind of situations (Colts Offensive Coordinator) Tom (Moore) and (Offensive Line Coach) Howard (Mudd) prefer to have. If, for example, we put three wides in the game, if they substituted their nickel defense, perhaps we might feel they?d be better off in a base defense, which they might leave on the field if Dallas were in the slot. It?s just a question of deciding what personnel match-up we?d like to see and which one benefits us most. A lot of that, truthfully, is involved in the running game, because Dallas does such a great job blocking. Lots of times, we?d rather have him in there, even blocking a linebacker. But Anthony will get a chance to play a lot before the season is too far along.

The Official Website of the Indianapolis Colts
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September 23, 2007
A Closer look at Anthony Gonzalez
Rookie savors his 1st catches
Colts wideout makes the receptions count, helping team to field goal
By Phil Richards
[email protected]

Anthony Gonzalez's first NFL reception not only required him to hang in the air, it necessitated a suspension of disbelief.

"It was the first ball that had been actually thrown to me this year," the Indianapolis Colts rookie wide receiver said. "I'm glad it (hung) a little bit because I kind of looked at it and thought, 'Is that really coming to me? I guess it is.' "
Quarterback Peyton Manning's pass floated because it was thrown under duress; the Tennessee pass rush was coming hard. Gonzalez was well covered on his out cut, pinned between safety Vincent Fuller and cornerback Nick Harper. Gonzalez went up over both Titans and made a difficult catch for 23 yards.

Gonzalez is a bright and conscientious sort, but he has a lot to learn and he's doing it on the run. The fact that his first moments in the spotlight came in a series that began at the Colts' 17-yard line with only 1:12 to play was no coincidence.
"The thing I like about the two-minute drill is you don't have time to think," he said. "It's kind of paralysis by analysis; you can't apply it in two-minute. That's a good thing for me. Sometimes when I have too much time to think, I'll drive myself crazy."

Rookie savors his 1st catches | IndyStar.com
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Colts rookie wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez made a significant contribution for a second consecutive week on Sunday.

In a 22-20 victory over Tennessee last week, the rookie first-round draft selection caught the first three passes of his NFL career. On Sunday, he caught two passes for 29 yards.

?The last couple of weeks, it has been nice to get your hands on the ball,? Gonzalez said. ?I personally have to do a better job of catching it, but it?s nice to be a part of the drill and have a chance to make some plays.

?I feel like getting a little more comfortable has helped. The more snaps you get, obviously that turns into supposedly better play. That?s always the goal. I feel good about how I?ve been playing with the exception of one play today.?

The Official Website of the Indianapolis Colts
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Rookie receiver catching on with Colts
Staff and agencies
28 September, 2007
By MICHAEL MAROT, AP Sports Writer

INDIANAPOLIS - Anthony Gonzalez considers himself a quick study. But even he was confused by the Indianapolis offense. Three weeks ago, Gonzalez, the Colts? first-round draft pick, acknowledged he was still struggling to pick up Peyton Manning?s repertoire of audibles and hand signals.

"I think when you come into a situation where the quarterback is a veteran quarterback and he?s been with veteran receivers, there?s certainly a level of trust he has with them," Gonzalez said. "You?ve got to develop that and that?s part of the situation here."

ABC News: Rookie Receiver Catching on With Colts
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With Marvin Harrison out with a knee injury, Gonzo is split out at the #2 rather than playing the slot. Manning has been looking his way a little more than usual including a nice pass and catch over the middle that was very reminiscent of last season in scarlett and grey. Manning and Gonzo appear to have a very good rhythm...
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Goose 101
Like it or not, the Wonderlic test does matter on draft day. NFL teams prefer smart players. Dumb players make mistakes that cost you games. Smart players don't make mistakes. If and when they do, they don't repeat them.

Rookie wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez had a big game for the Colts. Anthony Gonzalez is a smart player. He was an academic All-American wide receiver at Ohio State, graduating with a degree in philosophy. The Colts drafted him in the first round in April. Gonzalez played slot receiver for the Buckeyes, and the Colts planned to keep him inside in the NFL. So he didn't practice on the outside at all in training camp. Why should he? Pro Bowlers Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne were already stationed there. But last Sunday, with Harrison out with a bruised knee, the Colts planned to promote Aaron Moorehead to flanker and keep Gonzalez in the slot. Then Moorehead suffered back spasms on Saturday and he too was ruled out. So the Colts were forced to move Gonzalez outside.

Learning the new position proved a quick study for a smart player. Gonzalez turned in his best game of the season, catching a team-best seven passes for 71 yards in a 33-14 rout of Tampa Bay.

Today's QBs rate higher, not necessarily better | DallasNews.com: From The 50
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