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WR Anthony Gonzalez (2005 All B1G, US Congressman)


Manning impressed with Colts' rookie receiver


Stokley's replacement on the field, Anthony Gonzalez, already has made an impression on Manning.

Known as a workaholic at Ohio State, the rookie seems a perfect fit for the NFL star's pupil.

Gonzalez was the first person to report when camp opened on Sunday and Manning has noticed his work ethic.
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2. I think what really stuck out in practice today is that Peyton Manning is doing everything he can to feed the ball to Anthony Gonzalez -- in hopes of getting him ready to be the starting slot receiver. Gonzalez reminds me of Wes Welker -- a quick, sure-handed workhorse who has quickly earned Manning's trust.

3. I think one of the things the coaches love about Gonzalez is that he was the first player here on reporting day, which was Sunday. He even beat Manning.

SI.com - Writers - Training Camp Postcard: Colts - Tuesday July 31, 2007 6:15PM

Gonzalez: More to learn

Rookie receiver Anthony Gonzalez is considered a quick study, and acknowledged he's already getting comfortable in the Colts' complex offense.
But just when the team's first-round draft pick thinks he's got it, quarterback Peyton Manning tosses him a curve with one of his pre-snap audibles.
"Everybody seems to know them but me," Gonzalez said with a smile. "I'm learning, though. I know most of them, but every now and then Peyton will throw out a word that I've never heard before."
That's Manning being Manning, said Dungy.
Gonzalez, he noted, had "better get used to that. Peyton likes to change things as we go and keep everybody on their toes. Anthony's . . . picking it up well. But you can be here six years and not have it all down."

If it's hot and hotter, it's time for camp | IndyStar.com
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From Peter King's MMQB:

When they go against the defense in team passing drills, I notice two things: Manning is throwing over and over again to rookie first-round Anthony Gonzalez out of the slot. And he is audibling probably two out of every three plays.

I look for big things this season from Gonzo. I'd say 40-50 catches and a handful of TD's are a strong possibility. Maybe more. Brandon Stokely put up 1,000 yards and double digit TD's as the third reciever for Indy in 2004. With Harrison getting up there in years, he has a very bright future. I think he landed in the best possible position for a young WR.
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Stampede Blue :: An Indianapolis Colts Blog

Anthony Gonzalez is the real deal, and he could start on teams like Philly, KC, and Denver. I mentioned that Harrison and Wayne never missed a beat in drills. Gonzo was the same way. He was explosive out of his breaks, and every catch was soft in the hands. He has tremendous quickness, body control, and speed. He made several nice grabs during the scrimmages. Guys like Meachum and Bowe better be all world, because Gonzo is one of the more impressive rookie WRs I've ever seen.
Terre Haute News, Terre Haute, Indiana- TribStar.com - Colts camp: Colts receiver Moorehead is still fighting for a job
...This year, Moorehead has competition from a pair of former Ohio State players, first-round draft pick Anthony Gonzalez and fifth-round pick Roy Hall. Also in the mix is former Purdue player John Standeford, who is out of options....
Moorehead offered his opinion on the two former Buckeyes, Gonzalez and Hall.

?[Anthony] Gonzalez is playing real well right now,? Moorehead noted. ?Him and Peyton [quarterback Manning] seem to have almost like an instant rapport ? and that?s great for the team. Because he?s going to be the guy that?s counted on through the whole season.

?[Roy Hall] is playing real well right now, but he?s still learning the offense. It?s tough to play when you?re still learning the offense and he?s done a great job. It?s going to fun the rest of camp.?
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Colts rookie Gonzalez feels lucky to be in Indianapolis
By Tom Curran
Updated: Aug07, 2007, 04:03 PM EDT TERRE HAUTE, Ind. -- Anthony Gonzalez believes he's got a horseshoe permanently tucked in his posterior.

"I've said for a very long time, going back to high school, I have amazing luck for some reason," said the Colts' rookie wide receiver, the final pick in the first round of this year's draf. "For whatever reason, God has given me a lot and things tend to work out somehow."

Colts rookie Gonzalez feels lucky to be in Indianapolis - NFL - NBCSports.com
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August 9, 2007
Colts notebook
For rookie Gonzalez, the hits start tonight
By Phillip B. Wilson
[email protected]

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. -- After getting acclimated to the playbook in 15 training camp practices without tackling, Indianapolis Colts rookie receiver Anthony Gonzalez is eager to absorb his first NFL hits in tonight's preseason opener at Dallas.

The first-round pick from Ohio State, known in college for his fearless nature in running routes over the middle, is the team's new No. 3 receiver. He's replacing veteran Brandon Stokley, who was cut in the offseason.
"I've watched how many Thanksgiving Day games played at Texas Stadium? I feel like I've been watching them my whole life," Gonzalez said of his debut. "But at the same time, for me personally, I'm just excited because I know that for the first time we will be going full go, live with NFL hitting.
"We don't really pound a lot out there (in practice). I'm very anxious in kind of a weird way to get my first shot, to take that first hit and say, 'OK, this is what I have to deal with for the next few years.' "

For rookie Gonzalez, the hits start tonight | IndyStar.com
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Tuesday, August 14

By John Oehser Colts.com

A Categorical Look at the Day in Colts Camp

Anthony Gonzalez?s first NFL training camp is going about how Colts Head Coach Tony Dungy expected.

There have plenty of good days. There have been a few difficult days, too.

But overall, Dungy said Gonzalez ? the team?s first-round selection in this past April?s NFL Draft ? has made the progress expected from a rookie wide receiver.

Gonzalez caught one pass for 14 yards against the Dallas Cowboys in the preseason opener. Dungy said he has looked solid throughout camp while playing mostly in the Colts? ?slot wide receiver? position, a position long played by veteran Brandon Stokley.

Stokley was released this past off-season for salary cap reasons.

?Anthony?s doing fine,? Dungy said. ?I think he?s making the normal progress a rookie does. He has ups and downs ? some fantastic things he does and then some things where he?s just a little bit unsure.

?But he?s making the progress we?re looking for. I think he?s going to be a good player for us.?

The Official Website of the Indianapolis Colts
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Gonzalez fills key role for Colts
By Mike Sando
Updated: August 21, 2007

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. -- Anthony Gonzalez seems a lot like Peyton Manning's ticket to another 49-touchdown season.

First he'll have to get off the line of scrimmage.

That's the thing about rookie receivers. Even the quick learners can encounter growing pains against the NFL's more physical defenses. Gonzalez is feeling that now. But he couldn't be in a better situation.

Face it, the Colts' first-round pick from Ohio State could join the Peace Corps tomorrow and Indy still might lead the NFL in scoring. If that makes Gonzalez a luxury, he is one the Colts value dearly. The team expects him to play roughly half the snaps as a rookie, or about 500.

The Colts aren't sure how opponents will play Gonzalez early in the season. They do know Gonzalez will prepare himself well.

"Conscientious" is the word Christensen keeps using to describe the newest addition to the Colts' receiving corps. Manning wouldn't tolerate anything else.

"In that sense, there is a little bit more pressure on you, but it's good pressure and something I welcome and am grateful to have," Gonzalez said after a recent practice. "If you are the type of person that values what you are doing and takes pride in what you are doing, then it helps a lot."

Gonzalez has broken down his homework into three categories: formations, plays and audibles.

There are only so many ways to line up, and the Colts ignore most of them, so the formations are the easy part. Gonzalez said he learned them in about an hour.

Absorbing the playbook is trickier. Gonzalez estimated he needed to know roughly 200 plays at Ohio State, and the Buckeyes pared the list considerably for each opponent. He'll need to know closer to 1,000 plays with the Colts once he takes formations and route combinations into account. And he'll need to know all of them every week, a significant change from college.

"There was a play last year that they ran, they put it in however many years ago and they hadn't run it until right then at that moment and it ended up being a touchdown," Gonzalez said.

Mastering the Colts' long list of audibles is by far the hardest part for a rookie receiver. The Buckeyes generally called one or two audibles per game. Each audible carried one option, Gonzalez said. Manning has the entire playbook at his disposal when changing plays at the line.

"That is the biggest difference," Gonzalez said.

ESPN - Sando: Colts have big plans for WR Gonzalez - NFL
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August 27, 2007
Gonzalez: 1 mistake, 1 sweet reception
By Phil Richards
[email protected]

Rookie wide receiver Anthony Gonzalez got his first extensive playing time with the Indianapolis Colts' No. 1 offense Saturday night. He caught his first pass from two-time NFL Most Valuable Player Peyton Manning.

It was memorable. It was forgettable. It was . . .
"It was just stupid," Gonzalez said. "I was telling the guys, in all my years of football, I really do think that's my first fumble. Ever. I'm trying to remember a time; definitely not at Ohio State; definitely not in high school."

Gonzalez: 1 mistake, 1 sweet reception | IndyStar.com
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