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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

This game is simple, if the D plays disciplined and tackles tOSU wins big. Offense should not have a problem whether it's Kenny G. or Braxton.
This is basically my view as well. Our D clearly has the ability, the question is if hey execute that on the field. If they do it'll be over earlier than some think, if not, then it will be a close game where trading points determines the winner.

The thing I find funny about the per game articles I've read is how our team is unsettled, unproved, and only played cupcakes. But, they're talking about Wisconsin as if they have played the elite. These RBs they have are good but the teams they played factored into that yards per carry.
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You completely missed that guy's point. He didn't say Gordon would be the 2nd best athlete on the field, he said he would be 2nd best athlete in the Horseshoe - assuming he meant Lebron was the best...... Geesh, get it right next time!

I stand corrected, however I can't make much sense of what you wrote. If Gordon was spectating (like Lebron will be), then it would make more sense. But Gordon will be on the field playing.
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