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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

Yeah, judging athletic ability ain't all that simple or the Bengals would never have drafted Jason Buck. That being said, tOSU will have plenty of future NFL players on the field tomorrow night.

About the whole Lebron thing...

I'd honestly like to hear some LBJ haters opinions on this. Is it cool for him to be on the sidelines if Urbie thinks it will help recruiting? I don't have a problem with him at all, but I'm not a big fan of someone with no ties to the football team being on the sidelines. If he's really such a huge fan, buy a ticket like everyone else and meet the recruits after the game.
As a hater I'll bite..

I don't like it.. I think there are plenty of A-list Buckeyes you could bring around and Krenzel said as a kid who was recruited by the Buckeyes it would of had zero impact on his decision.

Is what it is. Trust Urban. But I don't like.
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Saw their starting center is out for the game. What about the rest of their players that were dinged up? I know pederson, their starting cb, and two wide outs were banged up.

Nevermind I see that their starting center, two wideouts,and their third cb are all out. Their starting olb, starting ilb, and starting cb are all playing but playing dinged up. Two of which Have hammy issues.I've played with hammy issues and while you can manage it more often than not two things happen. 1 you re injure it or 2 you lose a step becaus you can't quite open up.

Also pederson is questionable with a knee sprain but looks like he may try it.

If I'm herman I go deep on jean and test that hammy. Anything less than 100 percent against our team will not cut it. At least the media has an out for why we win tomorrow
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Media will always have an out for why we remain overrated and play no one. Starting center is going to hurt them bad in the run game and I agree, get vertical early on O and test those cb's. We'll see about Pederson. May play or may not at this point.
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Starting center is out!? hammer That A gap, force Gordon to bounce everything outside and watch Shazier run him down.
Yep. Not to mention all of the line coverage calls now go to shit. The Interior just became easier to defend and now all we have to do is protect against the jet sweep.

As for pederson you don't sprain a knee one week and then play the week after with no ill affects. All of these injuries will add up for the badgera as the game goes
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As a hater I'll bite..

I don't like it.. I think there are plenty of A-list Buckeyes you could bring around and Krenzel said as a kid who was recruited by the Buckeyes it would of had zero impact on his decision.

Is what it is. Trust Urban. But I don't like.

He's actually there by request of Thad. There's going to be 7 basketball recruits in attendance as well.
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It's considerate of you to inform someone who joined in 2011 how BP is structured. Yeah, you can call me a Bielema.
I don't care if he joined ten seconds after Clarity. If he's posting game threads two days before the game, he could use a lil help.
But to be clear, game threads are usually made before the season starts, not a week before the respective game.
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We're less than 24 hours from the first conference game of the year... prime time in the 'Shoe, no less. Thank God for Buckeye games on a Fall Saturday night. I can almost taste it. Games like tomorrow night are what make me dread the offseason so much. Hope all of us take the time to cherish it. Go Bucks!
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Yep. Not to mention all of the line coverage calls now go to [Mark May]. The Interior just became easier to defend and now all we have to do is protect against the jet sweep.

As for pederson you don't sprain a knee one week and then play the week after with no ill affects. All of these injuries will add up for the badgera as the game goes
It sounds like he'll play but yes, you can expect him to play in a more limited role if he does. If there's a saving grace for Wisconsin, it's that their tight end corps is relatively deep behind him. Brock DeCicco, Brian Wozniak, and Sam Arneson are all solid fill-ins.
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