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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

Well, we can agree to disagree about the second part there.

Considering that there are only 22 players on the field at one time, perhaps I should retract what I said. Melvin along with Abbredaris is easily one of the most explosive players for UW.

If you compare him with athletes on the entire UW and Buckeye roster, I would think he would be near the top, but not in the top 10.
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Yeah, I don't know enough about OSU's personnel to say anything definitive. However, by the time Gordon's done (which may be this year), he will look more and more like an NFL back.

Since Wisky's OL does a good job of blocking, you won't need a super ridiculous athlete at RB. Just look at Monte Ball. He has decent speed and good quickness, but he isn't a top tier athlete. His OL took care of business, and his vision did the rest.
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Yeah, I don't know enough about OSU's personnel to say anything definitive. However, by the time Gordon's done (which may be this year), he will look more and more like an NFL back.
Yeah, judging athletic ability ain't all that simple or the Bengals would never have drafted Jason Buck. That being said, tOSU will have plenty of future NFL players on the field tomorrow night.

About the whole Lebron thing...

I'd honestly like to hear some LBJ haters opinions on this. Is it cool for him to be on the sidelines if Urbie thinks it will help recruiting? I don't have a problem with him at all, but I'm not a big fan of someone with no ties to the football team being on the sidelines. If he's really such a huge fan, buy a ticket like everyone else and meet the recruits after the game.
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Yeah, judging athletic ability ain't all that simple or the Bengals would never have drafted Jason Buck. That being said, tOSU will have plenty of future NFL players on the field tomorrow night.

About the whole Lebron thing...

I'd honestly like to hear some LBJ haters opinions on this. Is it cool for him to be on the sidelines if Urbie thinks it will help recruiting? I don't have a problem with him at all, but I'm not a big fan of someone with no ties to the football team being on the sidelines. If he's really such a huge fan, buy a ticket like everyone else and meet the recruits after the game.
I recall years ago, buying a pre-season CFB magazine that had a big section on recruiting. They had a little piece on the top 50 high school juniors for the upcoming season. One of the 50 was a 6'6 wide receiver from Akron St. Vincent St Mary's.
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Yeah, judging athletic ability ain't all that simple or the Bengals would never have drafted Jason Buck. That being said, tOSU will have plenty of future NFL players on the field tomorrow night.

About the whole Lebron thing...

I'd honestly like to hear some LBJ haters opinions on this. Is it cool for him to be on the sidelines if Urbie thinks it will help recruiting? I don't have a problem with him at all, but I'm not a big fan of someone with no ties to the football team being on the sidelines. If he's really such a huge fan, buy a ticket like everyone else and meet the recruits after the game.
It's a Buckeye game, not a Cavs game. Doesn't matter if people don't like him. Why he's there has nothing to do with Cleveland. Most people probably won't even see him
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I recall years ago, buying a pre-season CFB magazine that had a big section on recruiting. They had a little piece on the top 50 high school juniors for the upcoming season. One of the 50 was a 6'6 wide receiver from Akron St. Vincent St Mary's.
That is something interesting that LaBron James made the top 50 in a CFB magazine. I wonder what magazine that was. Was Labron ever recruited for football by Ohio State?
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