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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

Wisconsin's stats are inflated on both sides of the ball because they played Massachusetts and Tennessee Tech in their first two games...the gave up 468 yards at ASU. Also, aside from Melvin Gordon, their offense wasn't good at all at ASU...Stave went 15-30 for 187 yards, with 51 yards coming on one play.
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Wisconsin's stats are inflated on both sides of the ball because they played Massachusetts and Tennessee in their first two games...the gave up 468 yards at ASU. Also, aside from Melvin Gordon, their offense wasn't good at all at ASU...Stave went 15-30 for 187 yards, with 51 yards coming on one play.

Um, they played Tennessee Tech. Even taking into account the horrible condition of the Tennessee football program, there's a world of difference between Tennessee and Tennessee Tech.
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I'm a Buckeye and the players are too. The difference as I see it is they are hard-working, highly-accomplished top-notch athletes. I am a doofus on the internet. Referring to the team as "they" and not "we" is how I show respect for that difference. I can still love the Buckeyes for what we share while speaking in a way that recognizes the differences in how they represent the university and how I do.

There's the specific and there's the general. I don't think anyone here is taking credit for Shazier's game-saving play last year or Braxton's heroics tomorrow: but when the game is over, we will all be winners.
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LeBron James to be on sideline during Ohio State game against Wisconsin - The Lantern

In arguably its biggest game of the 2013 season to date, the Ohio State football team will hear from a fellow Ohioan and current NBA World Champion before its tilt with Wisconsin Saturday night.

An OSU spokesman confirmed that Miami Heat forward LeBron James will be on the Buckeyes’ sideline during the game. The four-time NBA MVP will also address the team before kickoff according to media reports.

James, a graduate of Akron St. Vincent-St. Mary, is a longtime fan of OSU, even though he never went to the school. The NBA star even has his own locker inside the newly renovated locker rooms at The Jerome Schottenstein Center.
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