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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

I'm a Buckeye and the players are too. The difference as I see it is they are hard-working, highly-accomplished top-notch athletes. I am a doofus on the internet. Referring to the team as "they" and not "we" is how I show respect for that difference. I can still love the Buckeyes for what we share while speaking in a way that recognizes the differences in how they represent the university and how I do.

Whoever said alumni/fans don't risk harm to themselves... I can't speak for everyone, but that is a lie as a whole.

No doubt. Gotta watch out for heart disease and diabetes. I make sure to balance my dairy, pork and beef fats while watching the game.
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Why has a pssssing match hijacked this thread? Weeeee have a big game tomorrow night. So let's get back to talking about it!

Agreed. My apologies. Glad it's Friday.

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I will be parading all over my girlfriend (she's a Badger alum) once we get this victory. She has been trash talking all week- but oh, she'll get her comeuppance this weekend when we stomp, rape, and pillage these fucking wannabe Gophers.
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Gary Anderson seems like a good dude, but I'm withholding judgement until after he loses to tOSU. I don't think Barry hires gracious losers.
This remains to be seen, but I think he'll be more level-headed after losses than his predecessor. He could've blown his top after the loss to ASU but kept his cool pretty well.

From this article it sounds like Andersen was pretty stressed at Utah State and it took its toll. He even collapsed one night after a loss and the doctors told him it was stress-related. So hopefully he's taking the Urban Meyer route and making sure he puts family first.
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And, I do believe this is the exact reason people have objected to the use of "we" in reference to the Buckeyes and it's also why I don't say "we" when referring to them. But, that said, it really is just a short hand was to say Ohio State. If I had my way, WE'D be nailing Jaxbuck. Goddamn is she hot. And foul mouthed. I think I'm gonna PM her pictures of me after a work out.

Eh, you don't look too bad:

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Week 5 Pickoff: LSU-Georgia, Ole Miss-Alabama; more - SI.com

No. 23 Wisconsin (3-1) at No. 4 Ohio State (4-0)
The controversial loss at Arizona State has obscured the fact the Badgers boast the nation's fourth-ranked defense (3.8 yards per play). Whether Braxton Miller is healthy or not, Ohio State won't move the ball at will. But Wisconsin won't be able to rely solely on its powerful rushing attack (349.8 yards per game) against an athletic Buckeyes' D. A few Ohio State forced turnovers may be the difference.
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