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UF OL Ronnie "Taz" Wilson (official thread)

buckhunter said:
HH gave a hint as to when TAZ would commit over at BN. He hinted that it would happen this week-end. THAT IS GREAT NEWS! This class just keeps getting better and better!

Taz, please drop us a line here as soon as you commit, regardless of who you choose (especially if you pick us). We're open 24/7. :biggrin:
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buckhunter said:
HH gave a hint as to when TAZ would commit over at BN. He hinted that it would happen this week-end. THAT IS GREAT NEWS! This class just keeps getting better and better!
He also said he was just kidding, I'm guessing because people ask him the same question every day.
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Guys, I can not, or would not ever speak for Ronnie.

In my personal opinion, I do not THINK you should look for a commit on this trip. I feel any kid should take all of his trips and review all opportunities.

I hope Taz, or any other potential recruit would agree with this philosophy.
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thank you for the clarification, we all get a little greedy when we see a kid and talent like ronnie, im sure you know how it is. we get wind of a possibly maybe might and we cant sit still and get real excited to see a guy the caliber of ronnie donning the scarlet and gray in front of 105,000+ once again we all appreciate you HH for your insight and clarifications, as too ronnie good luck with the game this weak, and do especailly good in the classroom
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After seeing Taz's video I can understand why that D-lineman at camp opted not to face him in one on one drills.

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I got an aboslute kick out of watching Ronnie's Insiders video. Quite possibly the funniest thing was at the 0:51 mark where Ronnie obliterated a corner. It looks like the kid went flying into the sideline. How could you man? Also, the play that begins at 1:03 where it looks like he took out one kid and got tripped up himself then got back up and blew up another one. I was very impressed.
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I'll be at the Cinci game too...I'll look for ya. I imagine you'll get to come through skull session with the players. We may have to give an extra shout out to TAZ after things have quieted down.

You probably have very little clue of what I'm talking about...but you'll see :biggrin:. Here's hoping you get the full Buckeye treatment and come away as excited as I do after every game.
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