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UF OL Ronnie "Taz" Wilson (official thread)

Happy Birthday!!

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I hope you have a great visit. Take it all in! the atomsphere is going to be incredible. I have been to several OSU games, and I never grow tired of them. Again, enjoy it to the fullest.
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stowfan said:
Happy Birthday, for your Bitrhday I give you my wishes that you continue the long standing tradition of Ohio State O-Linemen winning the Outlland and going in the top five of the NFL draft.

Question for the board: I know Orlando Pace won the Outland, did he also get votes for the Heisman?
Pace won the Outland Trophy TWICE and finished fourth in the Heisman Trophy voting behind Danny Wuerffel, Troy Davis and Jake Plummer.

Sorry, I realize I was beaten to the punch on this headline by about a day, but the question made me go find a nice blurb on Mr. Pace:

Be sure to read this, Taz.
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JCroniger said:
Will the possible hurricane affect your HS game or your trip to the Shoe?

Good luck this weekend.
It just might affect the visit but school has been closed until next week so I'm not sure yet the hurricane is about 575 miles away, so I can't say right now.
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Taz said:
It just might affect the visit but school has been closed until next week so I'm not sure yet the hurricane is about 575 miles away, so I can't say right now.
Be safe Taz, this cane looks nasty. I hope you get to make it up here this weekend. Being in the Shoe for a game is an experience like no other.
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Rivals Premium on Taz

Nothing new in this update. Taz states again he is not going to commit on this trip(Let's keep our fingers crossed that the hurricane steers clear of Pompano Beach and he and CJ make it to Columbus this weekend) but plans on making his college choice some time in November.
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Does that mean your game has been cancelled also, if so, you should leave right now for Columbus. You don't have to worry about Hurricanes up here in Ohio, another reason to stay away from the Florida schools and NC State.
Tailgating will start Friday night in the RV lot, so come on up, there will be plenty of food.
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Well I am on the other coast in Cape Coral and Hurricane Charley was a lot smaller than this one. I was lucky and only lost trees, lani, electric for over a week and a good bit of shingles(main concentration hit 20-30 miles north of me). I would have to say take a earlier fight and take the family with you. Those are nothing to take lightly. Anyone on on that side of the coast is more than welcome to come and stay with me, but as big as this thing is it might not help anyway. However, the offer is their. Didn't mean to post off topic stuff but felt it was important.

On a positive note, this is my first post over here and I really enjoy this board. So I would like to say good luck Taz in your college destination, your season, and career(Hopefully as a buckeye in front of over 100,000 fans screaming TAZ pancakes another one)
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