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UF OL Ronnie "Taz" Wilson (official thread)

Rivals Premium

According to this update, and it doesn't say exactly when Taz spoke with the guy, Taz doesn't think the airport is going to be open this morning and doesn't think he'll be able to make it for the opener. The Gators are after him pretty good and they are among his favorites along with Ohio State, NC State, Pitt and LSU.
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Please give us your thoughts on the game. Also, please share CJ's as well. It isn't often we get the opportunity to get a reaction from a top recruits perspective. Any information you are willing to share is appreciated. Good luck this year, and stay healthy!
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Taz had a great time. I will let him elaborate when he gets back on line.

His family is currently without power due to the storm. They are scheduled to be out all week. So unless he hooks up to a generator, it may be a while before he posts.

His Mom & Dad did get to watch the Buckeye game, the hooked the TV and SAT up to the generator.
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Thanks sooo much for that update HH. I am glad Taz's family is O.K. My Father called, and my Uncle said," he was O.K". I am keeping a close eye on the next Cane called, "Ivan".
Be careful in your travels......
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I am pretty sure I saw Ronnie a couple of times on Saturday. I was in the south stands about 10 rows up. I'm pretty sure I saw a group of recruits which included our favorite, Taz. If I am not mistaken, a couple of times I saw a young guy in a wheelchair with some friends who from a distance appeared to be Brian Hartline. My buddy in town tried to get some photos so I will wait for him to send them to me to see if they came out.
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wadc45 said:
I am pretty sure I saw Ronnie a couple of times on Saturday. I was in the south stands about 10 rows up. I'm pretty sure I saw a group of recruits which included our favorite, Taz. If I am not mistaken, a couple of times I saw a young guy in a wheelchair with some friends who from a distance appeared to be Brian Hartline. My buddy in town tried to get some photos so I will wait for him to send them to me to see if they came out.
The guy you saw in the wheel chair was in fact Brian Hartline. I was about 6 rows below you and yes Taz was there too.
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I was wearing that very same t-shirt on Saturday. (CJ's)
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I'm Back

My Power Finally come on and i had to see what I was missing on the page.
We Just played our first game and we won but i dont remember the score. Tonight I played both ways with 2 sacks and 6 tackles but on offense I think I had one of my best games in a long time.
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