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Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, Sat 11/21, 3:30pm ET, ABC

What's crazy I'd that if Meyer didn't mess up 2 specific hires, there's a real argument he wins 3 championships in a row. Now, it's obviously not some given, but if he had ash instead of withers in 2013 they absolutely may have won in 2013,and of he had..... Anybody but Beck, they absolutely may have won it in 2015.
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This whole game was just something waiting for us eventually.

We dicked around with a quaterback competition through 3/4th of the season

We flexed offensive coaches in and out of the press box

Our starting QB had an ovi

We've sleeped waliked through majority of our games

Play calling has been non existent on the vertical game.

It's incredibly hard to repeat for many reasons, but this was the fatal flaw this season. Meyer clearly had a different idea of how this season would work out on the offensive side of the ball. He picked Cardale and he tried to convince everyone that the read option was no longer a part of the offense. But without a running QB, the play calling was disjointed and the OL just wasn't the same.

Along with the poor choice in QB/OC coach, Meyer took too long to make a final decision. No matter how much talent there is, you can only waste so much time in camp and practice splitting time and fucking around with different game plans before it bites you in the ass. It happens. Just sucks that it was a year when OSU's loaded with talent. Makes it 10x more frustrating.
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I agree that the coaches have to take a large part of the blame for today's loss. At the same time, so do the players. If the Defense wraps up and makes tackles on first contact MSU does not sustain drives. If we don't have 4 off sides penalties we probably get the ball back on each of those drives. If the pass to Miller is thrown accurately we get a TD and win the game. There's a lot of people who can take credit for today's performance, not just the coaches.

Hopefully we bounce back and take it to the evil empire next week.

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I'm kind of in line with @NFBuck.....next Saturday may not be very pretty at all....this could go from being a disappointment (or a slight relief) to a true [Mark May]storm....fast...
And if it does, it does. Everybody thought the sky was falling after narrowly beating a BAD scUM team, then losing to sparty and clemson. Well, they turned around and won the whole goddamned thing the next year. As long as we have Urban Meyer, I'm pretty sure we'll be okay. He's still the best coach in the game, imo. Is this year a gold star coaching job? Fuck no. But every coach, from Lombardi, to Woody, to Wilkinson, to Saban, to Urban has hiccups.
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If having a team from TSUN ruin your perfect season and a shot to play for the Natty doesn't sting, then I question your sanity.

It's ok to not feel good about a game. It's ok to lack a little confidence.

But to say there's no pain to this loss? This is thrice (four if we have to get technical about it) Sparty has taken the wind out of our sails that I can remember. If the lows don't feel low, then the high won't feel as good either.
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And if it does, it does. Everybody thought the sky was falling after narrowly beating a BAD scUM team, then losing to sparty and clemson. Well, they turned around and won the whole goddamned thing the next year. As long as we have Urban Meyer, I'm pretty sure we'll be okay. He's still the best coach in the game, imo. Is this year a gold star coaching job? Fuck no. But every coach, from Lombardi, to Woody, to Wilkinson, to Saban, to Urban has hiccups.

This. This is a good part of the reason why I'm feeling pretty zen. Someone asked me why I said I'm not mad; the thing is that as much as I *hoped* this team would rise to the occasion, that would have been in contrast to everything we've seen this year. There's a reason we saw distraught oddly-hot why-isn't-she-a-user-here-yet-someone-get-on-that-ASAP Buckeye girl here so much in the game threads this year -- we never played a complete game. Not once all season. This never felt or looked right. So tonight wasn't at all just deeply shocking. MSU is good, not great. The same can be said for us. And TSUN. Who knows what happens next week. I'm going to be optimistic because to hell with TSUN, but who knows what we're going to get.

Don't misunderstand -- losing *sucks*, and this one stings. It's a huge letdown. But we've suffered far worse, and we're still in the midst of a golden age of Buckeye football.

I hope we get an angry squad (ours) who want to make a big point and finish strong. We may get one LOADED with early round draft talent who don't want to risk their prospects. I'd get that entirely, and feel like we have the talent to win anyway.
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IMO I might be being a pestimist but this game seems like a game that is going to leave a sour taste in the mouth for current players and recruits. You have the results and players openly calling out the coaching staff. They could come out inspired next week and win....or it could be a disaster that springs Michigan.
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