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Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, Sat 11/21, 3:30pm ET, ABC

This. This is a good part of the reason why I'm feeling pretty zen. Someone asked me why I said I'm not mad; the thing is that as much as I *hoped* this team would rise to the occasion, that would have been in contrast to everything we've seen this year. There's a reason we saw distraught oddly-hot why-isn't-she-a-user-here-yet-someone-get-on-that-ASAP Buckeye girl here so much in the game threads this year -- we never played a complete game. Not once all season. This never felt or looked right. So tonight wasn't at all just deeply shocking. MSU is good, not great. The same can be said for us. And TSUN. Who knows what happens next week. I'm going to be optimistic because to hell with TSUN, but who knows what we're going to get.

Don't misunderstand -- losing *sucks*, and this one stings. It's a huge letdown. But we've suffered far worse, and we're still in the midst of a golden age of Buckeye football.

I hope we get an angry squad (ours) who want to make a big point and finish strong. We may get one LOADED with early round draft talent who don't want to risk their prospects. I'd get that entirely, and feel like we have the talent to win anyway.
Quit making sense and being level headed, jeesh.
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IMO I might be being a pestimist but this game seems like a game that is going to leave a sour taste in the mouth for current players and recruits. You have the results and players openly calling out the coaching staff. They could come out inspired next week and win....or it could be a disaster that springs Michigan.

I hope it's a sour taste for players. Gives them something to remember next week and year.
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IMO I might be being a pestimist but this game seems like a game that is going to leave a sour taste in the mouth for current players and recruits. You have the results and players openly calling out the coaching staff. They could come out inspired next week and win....or it could be a disaster that springs Michigan.
One game's bearing on recruiting is WAAAAY overplayed. You don't lose recruits because of one or two games. After every loss, at every school, fans lament on message boards how that loss will destroy recruiting. It almost never does. And if a kid rules you out based on a game or two, you probably don't want him anyway.
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1. I thought I punched in the URL for BP, but it looks like I'm on BWI.

Warriner/Beck have failed conclusively at that this season similarly to how Fickell/Withers failed conclusively calling the D in 2013.

How soon we forget that Luke Fickell was left with a team minus all it's leaders to include a kid who wasn't supposed to be to play QB for a year. His defense had a strong front line, but only one linebacker and one corner.

3. Who knew that last year's set of receivers and one tight end would be so missed?

4. What we saw today was little different than what we saw all season. This team lacked the key components that made last year's team so successful. I can't believe that Urban didn't sit down with his staff each week and try to figure out how to work it out and they almost succeeded.
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After sitting through that shit fest of weather and a game, it was good to get to the hotel and get a hot shower and an IPA. I got to go to the game with my two brothers who I rarely get to see and our 83 year old mom.

The game most of us had been fearing throughout this season finally came. It was hard to watch the continuation of a season of baffling play calling topped off with very poor execution. My god would it kill you to call a short- medium pass in the middle of the field. It was open all day. How you don't continue to run one of the best RBs in the country on a night like tonight is unreal. Wear them down, which is what they did to us. What a waste of some of the best talent around.

Defense was just flat out tired by the end of the game having been on the field most of the game.
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If having a team from TSUN ruin your perfect season and a shot to play for the Natty doesn't sting, then I question your sanity.

It's ok to not feel good about a game. It's ok to lack a little confidence.

But to say there's no pain to this loss? This is thrice (four if we have to get technical about it) Sparty has taken the wind out of our sails that I can remember. If the lows don't feel low, then the high won't feel as good either.
I'm pissed because this Sparty team we played tonight is hot garbage and we got fucking dominated.
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What sucks is this... after 4 years of domination we will have 1 big ten title to show for it. Sure we would've won in 12' aND sure last year rocked as we took home the big prize. However our goal is to win the big ten and in the three eligible years Meyers has had Dantonio's has defeated us twice.

Looking way ahead... next year's MSU game couldn't be bigger for us again. We cannot go 1-3 to MSU in 4 years we just CAN NOT.

Right now the MSU coaching staff just owned our staff. I would wager to guess that our staff cost twice as much to keep around too.
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