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Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, Sat 11/21, 3:30pm ET, ABC

Bottom line....Dantonios staff found a way to win with a short deck.....out staff couldn't pull it out with a full deck. Lots of questions left from this game.
It's normally about who's the one playing the cards though...hard to win if you never call the players bluff.

Observaction though here... listening the the players and urban I've now read the following two things.

1. They loaded the box and took away both the inside and outside run game.

2. They took away the deep throw.

MSU was able to pull it off folks. The rare stack the box and flood the throwing lanes deep technique. Unless they had such a beat on what we would do and when we would do it that they somehow guessed right? Wasn't there someone that said we were predictable this year?
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Well, this game stunk. I'm disappointed but like others, I saw this coming. This team lost its edge after the title last season. The hype and the Big Ten Network show on them only fed into the hype. The QB debacle was handled poorly and Meyer tried like hell to get away from the zone read early in the season, which led to the Jones decision. The OC hire was terrible....enough said. Needless to say, they just haven't had it this season. Its hard to get 100 college guys to buy into a team concept. That's why an "us vs. The world" message often helps. It worked last season, but you can tell there are more individuals this season. They haven't bought in. They haven't played for one another. They lost today and frankly they deserved to.

I am reminded of a conversation that I had with my cousin when I walked out of Lucas Oil Stadium after the Sparty loss 2 years ago. These losses blow, but without them the wins wouldn't be the same. We've all grown complacent in some way. Sparty wiped the slate clean today. Its time to start another win streak next week. .
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There were none all game. Normally we do something at the half to find some limited success but this game? We just repeated the failure of the first 30 minutes of football. Definition of insane.

It was almost arrogant, really. That the coaching staff thought eventually the run game would succeed, despite repeated failures and that it wasn't even Zeke carrying it in the second half.
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Jesus the headlines around the sports world. The chemistry was lost somewhere along the way. Need to find the hunger again before next week...

This. Exactly this. If that killer instinct isn't found really fast, next weekend could be a double-digit loss. Don't think for a second that raging lunatic up north doesn't see a wounded animal right now.
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Going to bed now as I am just getting angrier.

Can't believe msu is going to have won two big ten titles in 3 years when we are the ones with the five stars, the big pay roll for coaches, and the state of the art stuff. What msu has proven they do have? They developed their people and they know how to make adjustments. It's 2-2 in four years for UFM and our bucks but we are 1-2 when it's mattered.

Such is life. The sun will be up tomorrow and we have to find a way to win next week.
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What's done is done but I can't help thinking about at the past game threads when the consensus after mostly lackluster performances was didn't deserve to be ranked 1 let alone probably in the top 6 if hadn't win the NC. We were given the benefit of the doubt as defending champs and that annoited mentality may have played a lot into for both players and staff. We really needed a wake-up call and in hindsight maybe an honest placement in the polls would have done that and created a sense of urgency. Maybe not.

But we sure have it now so it means this team is either going to play their guts out win or lose or we will know the character of this team that enabled a NC was lost in the off-season. Hopefully that is not the case but if it is we may have bigger problems than any of us want to believe.

They also need to crumble up that post-it note of the same 5 plays they call an offensive play book and watch tape from the previous and dilligently reconstruct it in a week's time. Tall order but they really don't have a choice. The tape doesn't lie... If they aren't having success with power run they have nothing and a one dimensional team is easy to defend.

Our defense didn't play stellar today but like many games they did enough to give us a win if we had a modest amount of offensive production. This offense went from 4th in the nation to 39th this year and after tonight it probably ranks closer to 50th. Got nothing to lose by going for broke on the scheming now.
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You better be praying we don't get the breaks beat off of us by Michigan next week. They're a better team right now than the Sparty team that just dominated us.

hmm, even back in '69 when I was a rabid diehard fan I never prayed re: a sporting event. Now ***if*** the Buckeyes had been ***lucky enough*** to make the playoffs, playing either 'Bama or Clemson may not have been a pretty sight.

Again, that's why last year was so great ie low expectations. Mentioned in the Oregon NC thread a word of caution: The Buckeyes were gonna be favored in every game this year. Never a good prospect when talking Buckeye football. This is usually the time of year they lay their annual egg! Except '68/'02/'14.

btw, '68 Ohio State had an AP preseason rank of 11
'02 Ohio State had an AP preseason rank of 13
'14 Ohio State had an AP preseason rank of 05, IIRC just before Braxton got hurt and after the VT loss dropped to 22.

Always better to be the hunter than the hunted, except Oklahoma in '74/'75/'85 ~ Alabama '78 ~ Florida State '93/'99 and Southern Cal '04 when they all started out No. 1 and ended No. 1.


And the Buckeyes were a unamimous No. 1 this year. The Kiss of Death !!!
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