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Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, Sat 11/21, 3:30pm ET, ABC

Ed Warriner is Luke Fickell. Great position coach. Can't call a game.

They brought Ash in to call the D during games and it was night and day immediately.

They need to bring someone in to call plays and run the offense.

Warriner/Beck have failed conclusively at that this season similarly to how Fickell/Withers failed conclusively calling the D in 2013.

Similar changes need to be made this offseason.

Beck is Wither and is gone.

Warriner is Fickell and can stay and coach his position, but he should absolutely have the play calling taken out of his hands if he's around next year.

Norm Chow is looking for a job.

Also, I found a .gif that sums up my feelings about the offensive management this year. Don't ask me to explain how it's a perfect representation, it just is.

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Ed Warriner is Luke Fickell. Great position coach. Can't call a game.

They brought Ash in to call the D during games and it was night and day immediately.

They need to bring someone in to call plays and run the offense.

Warriner/Beck have failed conclusively at that this season similarly to how Fickell/Withers failed conclusively calling the D in 2013.

Similar changes need to be made this offseason.

Beck is Wither and is gone.

Warriner is Fickell and can stay and coach his position, but he should absolutely have the play calling taken out of his hands if he's around next year.
Perfect example... I hope it doesn't take two years though to figure out this isn't going to work like it did for withers.

Warriner is like Fickell. Perfect example... Warriner is out of his league and needs to just coach his slobs which he does a great job with. Give me a real coordinator though instead of two dudes who sort of have done it before. Don't think it happens but it should...

I get its hard to go undefeated but to be as poor as we've been for stretches is not a good look when you have such weapons everywhere.

On anothee note i dont like where our wrs are at either. Ive been vocal in that how the shit do we have a entire wr corps that are converted running backs? If I'm Urban I go to Torrance Gibson and I beg him to stay next year with the hopes he can become the deep threat this team needs. If Austin Mack stays healthy he will start next year because hes played the position...
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It almost seems like you need to get rid of Beck or you're going to lose the locker room.

The players clearly don't respect him or trust his play calling and half of them have a foot out the door on the way to the NFL.

It could get really, really ugly unless Meyer or someone steps in and does a masterful job putting out the fires and bringing everyone together this week.

I'm extremely worried about team chemistry moving forward.

Yeah, look at it this way...
You've got your National Champion MVP and Heisman Trophy candidate RB calling the playcalling out...
You've got your National Champion winning QB tweeting about leaving...
You've got Lee also going off on Twitter as well...

Take into consideration that:

Beck is making over half a million dollars right now from the Buckeyes. That goes along with:
  • A $600 dollars per month for a car payment stipend
  • six football season tickets
  • two men’s basketball season tickets
And, for a Big Ten Division Championship, he’ll receive:
  • an additional one-month’s base salary
But for a Big Ten Championship win, he’ll receive
  • 50 percent of a month’s base salary on top of the one-month’s base salary he already received.
Also take into consideration that he was owed over $834k over the next 14 months when he left Nebraska.
That would have reduced some (maybe) if he found another job (which he did with you all).

Ed Warinner's base salary is at $600k this year, along with some of the same perks that Beck gets as being a coordinator:
  • A $600 dollars per month for a car payment stipend
  • six football season tickets
  • two men’s basketball season tickets
However, there's also the following bonuses for Warinner:

Warinner is set to earn an 8.5 percent salary bonus if Ohio State wins a Big Ten East division title in 2015, a 4.25 percent salary bonus for taking home a Big Ten Championship and an additional 8.5 percent salary bonus if the Buckeyes make the College Football Playoff. An at least nine-game season that ends in a non-College Football Playoff bowl game results in a 4.25 percent salary bonus.

If the Buckeyes make the College Football Playoff (but not the finals), Warinner is entitled to a 21.25 percent salary bonus. A semifinal win does not merit him an additional bonus on top of the 21.25 percent, but instead a 25.5 percent reward off his base salary.

All bonuses are to be provided by the university within 60 days of the conclusion of each game, bowl or College Football Playoff affair, according to the contract.

Check out the disparity of salaries here (posted on November 30th, 2014, when Bo was canned):

I'm beginning to think that Beck has lewd photos of coaches or something.

Coach/Salary, 2014-15/Months left/Owed over term

Bo Pelini / $3,077,646 / 51 / $7.65 million


Tim Beck / $715,281 / 14 / $834,495
Ron Brown / $261,930 / 14 / $305,585
Barney Cotton / $263,948 / 14 / $307,939
Ross Els / $241,861 / 14 / $282,171
Rich Fisher / $206,166 / 14 / $240,527
John Garrison / $251,958 / 14 / $293,951
Rick Kaczenski / $227,646 / 14 / $265,587
John Papuchis / $318,102 / 14 / $371,119
Charlton Warren / $222,646 / 14 / $259,754
James Dobson / $239,854 / 14 / $279,830

Papuchis was the DEFENSIVE COORDNIATOR. Bo got what he paid for.

All in all, if a guy like Zeke - who isn't making jack and shit right now and is putting his body on the line - gets irritated with the middle aged millionaires who are robbing two different places blind, I think he's well deserved to say something.

I also don't think that Zeke was directing his comments at the head coach, although ultimately, this reflects on the head coach, of course.

P.S. - There's nothing but EVIDENTS in this post.
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Honestly, to me, this loss doesn't sting all that much. I've been saying for weeks after watching uninspired performances against less talented teams that a reckoning was coming if they didn't wake up. After last week, honestly i thoughtthere was a very good chance the buck stopped here.

I'll go a step further and say i do not feel good about next week. At all. However, maybe with all of the weight of the crushing expectations lifted, they finally rally and come out and play the inspired brand of ball we've been waiting all year for. I can hope.
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I'll go a step further and say i do not feel good about next week. At all. However, maybe with all of the weight of the crushing expectations lifted, they finally rally and come out and play the inspired brand of ball we've been waiting all year for. I can hope.
I can see us getting blown out or beating the shit out of Michigan...we literally have nothing to lose so throw fucking caution to the wind with the play calling.
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Ed Warriner is Luke Fickell. Great position coach. Can't call a game.

They brought Ash in to call the D during games and it was night and day immediately.

They need to bring someone in to call plays and run the offense.

Warriner/Beck have failed conclusively at that this season similarly to how Fickell/Withers failed conclusively calling the D in 2013.

Similar changes need to be made this offseason.

Beck is Wither and is gone.

Warriner is Fickell and can stay and coach his position, but he should absolutely have the play calling taken out of his hands if he's around next year.

Yep, perfect example.
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