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Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, Sat 11/21, 3:30pm ET, ABC

Venting is OK, but don't make it personal. That stuff needs to stop right now or people are getting timeouts.

You're right.


I apologize.

I disagree with you. That is a top ten team all day and probably tomorrow when the polls come out. We disagree. But I am not going to bed. I'll be here long after you go to bed. Just sayin'...8D
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I don't see MSU losing to the Pedsters next week

Keep hope alive! This emotional win drains Sparty soooo much they lose to the Pedsters next week. And yes, the pressure of the win streak is over, so the Buckeyes play w/reckless abandon next week in AA and take care of business. It could happen!

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan! ~ JFK
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You're right.


I apologize.

I disagree with you. That is a top ten team all day and probably tomorrow when the polls come out. We disagree. But I am not going to bed. I'll be here long after you go to bed. Just sayin'...8D
Better watch yourself. I can go toe - to-toenwith the best of them. In college I went to bed at 6am in the norm. I now settle for 2am on weekdays. Bring it!
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Keep hope alive! This emotional win drains Sparty soooo much they lose to the Pedsters next week. And yes, the pressure of the win streak is over, so the Buckeyes play w/reckless abandon next week in AA and take care of business. It could happen!

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan! ~ JFK
You better be praying we don't get the breaks beat off of us by Michigan next week. They're a better team right now than the Sparty team that just dominated us.
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I'll bet good and damn well that if he felt that he were utilized more in the game plan that he wouldn't have thrown the coaches under the bus like he did.

And again, to his point - if he had a leg infection, and he was crying because he didn't think he'd play - why did he play at all?
That is a copout by the coaching staff, I'm sorry. It's a copout to protect one of their own for a piss poor play calling performance.

I think I may not have been clear that I questioned just this from your original post: I think that his statement of not coming back next year is the most telling that Beck will be back after this season.

My point was that EZ wasn't coming back regardless of Beck's status.
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It turns out Zeke spent 3 days in a hospital this week, which most likely influenced the amount of activity the coaches gave him. The bigger issue to me was the inability to get anything going in the passing game.
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I think I may not have been clear that I questioned just this from your original post: I think that his statement of not coming back next year is the most telling that Beck will be back after this season.

My point was that EZ wasn't coming back regardless of whether Beck's status.

JHC, we actually have fans who thought Zeke might be back next season? :lol:
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You better be praying we don't get the breaks beat off of us by Michigan next week. They're a better team right now than the Sparty team that just dominated us.
This. To me I don't think we pull it off... that playcalling. Jesus Christmas and boy is it going to be frustrating watching Peppers flaunting around all game giving all our guys stds and shit.

Ain't bailing on our boys just being realistic. I'm at the SHOW ME stage with out play calling when it comes to sniffling defenses.
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Couldn't agree more...They've had such long stretches were we look incapable in basically every game other than Maryland/Rutgers. I think he spoke up because he was tired of answering for who he felt was responsible for the mess. Right or wrong I get that...
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