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Game Thread tOSU vs. Sparty, Sat 11/21, 3:30pm ET, ABC

I didn't think Zeke or CJ would be back next year. That being said, I think that his frustration bubbling out at this time in the year shows that it's something that has been festering all season long, and he just hit a breaking point.
It almost seems like you need to get rid of Beck or you're going to lose the locker room.

The players clearly don't respect him or trust his play calling and half of them have a foot out the door on the way to the NFL.

It could get really, really ugly unless Meyer or someone steps in and does a masterful job putting out the fires and bringing everyone together this week.

I'm extremely worried about team chemistry moving forward.
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I'm really wondering how I'm going to be able control my hatred for the Pedophiles and root for them next week. Did MSU blow their load tonight and maybe let us sneak in the back door?

We're beating Fuck M*ch*g*n and I don't want to hear anybody say different.

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I remember Tom Herman saying that he would call a play untill they stopped it. I think that's what Zeke and probably alot of the players are frustrated by this year, things have worked but they go away from it. I can understand doing that when you have a 2 or 3 touchdown lead and you want to work in other players/plays, but not in a big game. The QB run had clearly stopped working but they kept going to it and at the strength of their defense.
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Two-Minute Drill: Updates From the Michigan State - Ohio State Postgame

Urban Meyer Updates

+ The offsides penalties were killers. "Fourth and 8 is much different than fourth and 3."

Mark Dantonio Updates

+ Dantonio said that they went in with a plan to draw the Buckeyes offside, and it clearly worked.

Entire article: http://theozone.net/Ohio-State/Foot...s-From-the-Michigan-State-Ohio-State-Postgame

Anyone know what "Dantonio's plan" was (i.e. hard count, change cadence, and/or something else, etc.)?
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Going to have to disagree. Can't have players calling out coaches in the pressers. Means someone on the staff has lost respect. If the players dont respect the coaches, well..

One of the biggest things I've learned about managing people is that when someone isn't getting the job done, everyone around them knows it and is wondering why they haven't been fired yet. As a leader, your credibility diminishes every day that person is kept around. As a leader who's told his players "We don't want to coach average. I don't wanna be around you, why be around average?", it's imperative that he not accept average from his staff either. It's imperative that he removes Tim Beck from his program this offseason.

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It almost seems like you need to get rid of Beck or you're going to lose the locker room.

The players clearly don't respect him or trust his play calling and half of them have a foot out the door on the way to the NFL.

It could get really, really ugly unless Meyer or someone steps in and does a masterful job putting out the fires and bringing everyone together this week.

I'm extremely worried about team chemistry moving forward.
This is my worry too..forget today that's done and over with. How will this shape the future? So far to me it appears UFM while he's tough he seems to dislike canning people. He prefers for them to leave on their own accord and I get that. He needs to look at this with all the facts though and if he feels it's in the best interest to go away from Beck then he needs to make that tough call.

What's lost in all of this is Ed Warriner. People need not forget that he shares blame too... if he can't do his job and get 4 returning starters to protect the QB then he needs to step back and just coach the OL
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This is my worry too..forget today that's done and over with. How will this shape the future? So far to me it appears UFM while he's tough he seems to dislike canning people. He prefers for them to leave on their own accord and I get that. He needs to look at this with all the facts though and if he feels it's in the best interest to go away from Beck then he needs to make that tough call.

What's lost in all of this is Ed Warriner. People need not forget that he shares blame too... if he can't do his job and get 4 returning starters to protect the QB then he needs to step back and just coach the OL
Ed Warriner is Luke Fickell. Great position coach. Can't call a game.

They brought Ash in to call the D during games and it was night and day immediately.

They need to bring someone in to call plays and run the offense.

Warriner/Beck have failed conclusively at that this season similarly to how Fickell/Withers failed conclusively calling the D in 2013.

Similar changes need to be made this offseason.

Beck is Wither and is gone.

Warriner is Fickell and can stay and coach his position, but he should absolutely have the play calling taken out of his hands if he's around next year.
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