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2025 tOSU Recruiting Discussion


Official visit season has come and gone for Ohio State.

As the summer’s wave of commitments gradually dies down, the Buckeyes have had a mixed bag of recruiting results over the past six weeks or so, but ultimately more successes than misses. Ohio State currently boasts the nation’s top recruiting class with 310.02 points in 247Sports’ nationwide rankings, leading Alabama by nearly 20 points (290.47).

While a good chunk of the heavy lifting is now complete, there’s still more work to be done on the trail that could raise that score even further and perhaps lead the Buckeyes to finally finish with the No. 1 overall recruiting class.

For context, Georgia finished first in the 2024 cycle with 317.23 total points, edging No. 2 Alabama by nearly seven points (310.74). If Ohio State simply converts on its top remaining target, five-star offensive tackle David Sanders Jr., that would put the Buckeyes within reach of Georgia’s score from a year ago with 316.32 team points.

Nonetheless, Ryan Day and the rest of Ohio State’s football staff aren’t going to stop trying to improve their roster across the board, recruiting rankings or not. With 23 commitments in the Buckeyes’ 2025 class, we take a position-by-position look at where things stand with OSU’s current cycle.
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Only 2 commitments for the OL

This staff must feel really confident in their remaining prospects
I kind of agree with a pundit who opined that after Chip came aboard there was a blast of last minute offers for OL around the country, and the offer frenzy is a indication that Fryes approach is a not working, and a larger net should have been cast. So, the confidence level is not great.

If Frye gets Sanders to sign up, he's good.
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Two OL coaches in a row that struggle in recruiting in some shape or other. Whether it’s not casting a wide enough net, not keeping in touch with recruits, an inability to close, etc. Looking forward to the day OSU gets a Hartline or OG Walt-type OL coach.
Until Stud got sick, he was a hell of a recruiter and developer.

Maybe Chip will be a positive mentor for Frye (and Day.)
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I kind of agree with a pundit who opined that after Chip came aboard there was a blast of last minute offers for OL around the country, and the offer frenzy is a indication that Fryes approach is a not working, and a larger net should have been cast. So, the confidence level is not great.

If Frye gets Sanders to sign up, he's good.
Frye is the only one on the staff that I have very little confidence in for recruiting at the moment. But I am trying to keep an open mind because yes, if he gets Sanders and one other quality IOL then job well done on that front and we'll see how the OL actually plays this year. If he doesn't do that, he may devolve faster than Stud did.

I went through the 2025 scholarship offer thread to root out commitment to us/elsewhere and realized we only have Cook and Lowe onboard. Both Ohio guys that I wanted in the class, but if we don't bring in a couple of OOS guys then I have real concerns for the position. To your point though, the lack of a bigger net not being tossed is my exact concern, what are we actually doing there? I understand a sniper over a shotgun approach, but only if the sniper hits the target. So if we get Sanders, all is good in the hood...if we don't, then Frye better have the best on-field results we have seen.
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Frye is the only one on the staff that I have very little confidence in for recruiting at the moment. But I am trying to keep an open mind because yes, if he gets Sanders and one other quality IOL then job well done on that front and we'll see how the OL actually plays this year. If he doesn't do that, he may devolve faster than Stud did.

I went through the 2025 scholarship offer thread to root out commitment to us/elsewhere and realized we only have Cook and Lowe onboard. Both Ohio guys that I wanted in the class, but if we don't bring in a couple of OOS guys then I have real concerns for the position. To your point though, the lack of a bigger net not being tossed is my exact concern, what are we actually doing there? I understand a sniper over a shotgun approach, but only if the sniper hits the target. So if we get Sanders, all is good in the hood...if we don't, then Frye better have the best on-field results we have seen.
I think Keenan Bailey is the new Parker Fleming. He is not recruiting, nor developing. At least it seems like he isn't.
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Huh? Didn’t he just land two TE recruits? And didn’t Stover have his most productive season last year under Bailey’s first year as TE coach?
Recruiting lower ranked guys is fine, if there is noticeable development. I just don't see the development I personally am not impressed at all with Bailey.

The TE room this season is super thin, and nobody is flashing.nn

Just my opinion.
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Hasn’t he been TE coach for like 1 year? Maybe 2? I’m not sure what else to expect from Keenan
January of 23. Recruiting was already done. And he coached Cade to be a 4th round draft pick who was totally raw at the position. Signed a low 4 star in class of 24, and has 2 4 stars committed this year. I don’t understand this at all. Stover had to go to TE due to room already being weak. Can’t fix it overnight
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