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2025 tOSU Recruiting Discussion

January of 23. Recruiting was already done. And he coached Cade to be a 4th round draft pick who was totally raw at the position. Signed a low 4 star in class of 24, and has 2 4 stars committed this year. I don’t understand this at all. Stover had to go to TE due to room already being weak. Can’t fix it overnight
Yeah I have no problems with Bailey thus far, very short track record but so far so good in my book. You mentioned Stover (very raw at the position) and we'll see how Scott/Thurman/Royer play out at the position. Roberts was a huge get in this class from a state we rarely pull a recruit from. So far so good from him.

Jury is out on Frye though, this is a make or break season for him on the field with what should be a great OL, and also a recruiting class that should be good if he does his job. I am hoping that being reunited with Chip is the catalyst to get Frye to what we were hoping he would become here.
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Yeah I have no problems with Bailey thus far, very short track record but so far so good in my book. You mentioned Stover (very raw at the position) and we'll see how Scott/Thurman/Royer play out at the position. Roberts was a huge get in this class from a state we rarely pull a recruit from. So far so good from him.

Jury is out on Frye though, this is a make or break season for him on the field with what should be a great OL, and also a recruiting class that should be good if he does his job. I am hoping that being reunited with Chip is the catalyst to get Frye to what we were hoping he would become here.
Here’s to hoping.

And regarding Royer - I assume you meant Kacmarek. Royer transferred to UC.
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Recruiting lower ranked guys is fine, if there is noticeable development. I just don't see the development I personally am not impressed at all with Bailey.

The TE room this season is super thin, and nobody is flashing.nn

Just my opinion.
I could stipulate until you said the TE room is "super thin". Bud, that room is freaking stacked with talent right now. Whether or not we use it is another matter.

Give the guy a chance. I do know that the players love him and so far that's enough for me
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Here’s to hoping.

And regarding Royer - I assume you meant Kacmarek. Royer transferred to UC.
Totally blanked on Kacmarek and Royer, lots of roster changes in the offseason. To that point, the TE room got even more stacked with that swap. Stover will of course be tough to replace, but the cupboards are not bare and in '25 by any means. I love Roberts and think he is a borderline Stover clone (size/blue collar type approach/athleticism), and Lennon has promise as well. Plus we should have Thurman for awhile and his upside is tremendous. Definitely a position that is the least of my concerns moving forward.
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I is complete nonsense.

What SNL writer wrote that headline? Lol. Oregon is putting together a good recruiting class...ttun? Not at all. If you have a proclivity for pure derision as a ttun fan, by all means believe what's not reality. Otherwise, accept that you cheated and the sanctions are coming, your entire coaching staff basically left, and your best players are gone.
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I is complete nonsense.

Click-baitiest of all sports related click-bait articles I’ve ever seen. He starts out acting like ttun and Oregon are smashing OSU in recruiting, only to remind us at the end of the article that OSU actually has a more impressive class to have 23 commits. The funniest part is I’m sure their fans are lapping it up.
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