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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

buckeyboy;1600365; said:
An upset?? You've got to be kidding me. They must be some clueless scUM fans.

Yes some are clueless......the next to last sentence is classic....Barwis!!!

Submitted by Lorain Steelmen (not verified) on November 20, 2009 - 12:11pm.
FWIW, I see two primary problems for the Wolverines. First, UM's Oline must at least play the o$u front four, to a draw. This is the key to the game, given they are the strength of the Buckeye team.
If o$u must commit LB's or safeties, to bring pressure, then UM's offense can, and will, put up points.
Secondly, UM's corners must contain Pryor, and force him to pass. He's OK, but definitely, nothing to write home about. IF he DOES break contain, consistently, it could get ugly. The answer is discipline, and playing assignment defense. Michigan may catch a break, if the VEST, plays conservative ' Tressel Ball'. That plays into Michigan's hand. Lets' hope he coaches 'not to lose'.
Think about it, Iowa played osu to a standstill, minus their QB and running backs. Both of the Hawkeye lines controlled o$u, at the Shoe. UM has shown it is capable of staying with Iowa, at Iowa, even with their starting QB in the game....so this game, is very winnable! The Wolves must give 'great effort' for 60 minutes, relieing on the Barwis Conditioning to take it's toll. Check it out, the o$u Oline are 'puss bellies', and on defense o$u, WILL run out of gas, if forced to stay on the field.
Wolverines, Good Luck, and Go Blue! ...........UM 28 - o$u 13
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Schadenfreude picks...fans

















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Bed Time, and time to move on to tomorrow.

I want to wish for a great, clean game. Whatever the outcome, wish health upon the combatants that will take the field.

I want Chris' and Stefanie's families to somehow enjoy this game, if possible, considering the circumstances. NOT in terms of winning or losing, but in terms of what EVERY player thats ever played in this game and his loved ones know what it's about. In THE GAME you leave everything you have on the field. In life, Mrs Spielman left everything she had out there for all of us to commend.

I expect a tough fight, closer than most probably expect. My feeling is that with 5 minutes left in this game, the outcome will still be in doubt, but the Buckeyes wil prevail in a close one.

The ONE every "365" is about to happen. Let's enjoy and appreciate, because most fans of CFB have nothing even close to this rivalry TO apreciate.

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Merih;1600213; said:
True story:

This morning, I attended my mixed graduate/undergraduate civil engineering course with red eyes and clear tiredness from the Mirror Lake shenanigans from the night before. My professor, who is usually the most daper of dapers in class, took 1 look at me, knew what I did, and no questions asked extended his arm for a high five. He then sat down and waited for the rest of the students to enter the classroom.

He then went on a diatribe and said that statistics tell him that between 2 and 3 of us in the classroom will become professors. He went on about how the field needs us (this is our last class, many are graduating seniors), how proud he was to be our professor, and how he hopes the best for us.

Then he took a serious turn and said that for the lucky few who get an opportunity to teach here at Ohio State, 3 rules apply:

1. Once and always a buckeye, no matter where academia takes you.
2. Always gives students a rest before and after big games.
3. Don't ever let any [censored]ing Michigan paraphernalia in your classroom during Michigan week. And yes, he cussed.

He got so fired up saying that that he said "Screw the syllabus, let's talk football." He went as in depth as I've ever seen a professor get about football. Some of the highlights:

"We now have a quarterback, ladies and gents."

"I hope to God that they fire that asswhole." Someone then responded, are you talkinga bout Weis or RRod...and he said: "One and the same."

"OSU Michigan is the only game that matters to me. I lived through the 60's and 70's, as well as worked here in the 90's. And [censored] those cocky sonsabitches. I remember in the '90s they said we weren't their real rivalry anymore...karma's sucks don't it?"

I love this man. I wish I could GPA his class. Amen.

Dang, if my engineering classes were like that, I wouldn't have switched majors!
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eW2ZBU9UHI]YouTube - Cie Grant sings Carmen Ohio[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha6roJfoGjc]YouTube - Ohio State Buckeyes - Fight Song ("Battle Cry")[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g58TDhOHs94]YouTube - TBDBITL 'Fight the Team' and 'Don't Give a Damn....Michigan'[/ame]

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7:25 here. Got up at 6:15 to put the chili back on the stove. Just finished mailing MP3s of Across the Field and Buckeye Battlecry to fellow alums I network with. Gonna watch the 07 game again around 8. Ice the brewskis down. Fire up the grill at 10:30, throw the brats, metts and Italian sweet sausages on just before 11. Crank up the stereo till the neighbors look out from under their Xavier and UC flags to find out what rivalry is really all about.

Things look good, I agree, but confidence can be a killer. This Michigan team has talent to score and a defense that can play well at times. It is still The Game and I'm assuming the Bucks know that and are ready to respond.
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