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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

It's to the point where Gameday should be used to torture inmates at Gitmo. I can only stomach the last 10 minutes when they do their picks. The rest of the time is always the same, mindless chatter about BCS, bowls, blah, blah, blah...LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED, ALREADY!

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edit crap,little late :)
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I haven't watched Gameday in a while...Corso was always a crazy old man...but now's he's more crazy BECAUSE he's old...yikes. They need to find someone other than Desmond "piece of shit" Howard to swoop in when he's no longer fit to continue
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Is anyone watching the morning show on ESPN? They showed a little part where Shaw from scum bumped(on purpose) into a Buckeye walking off the field and then turned around and started talking shit. Great job you POS just get us pissed off before the game, not like we needed more motivation.
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I really do not think this game will be as close as many people here think. TSUN will play their best game, but I still think an early FG and a late FG will be it for them.

34-6 Ohio State
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