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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

I laugh at those who thinks the Buckeyes will be looking past "The Game"? They won't even play for a month and half and they don't know who their opponent will be.

They are focusing 110% on how to beat That School Up North! Play it like it's your last because this will define your season. Fans should take the same path as well. Root your asses off!

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FeistyRedHeadAZ;1600493; said:
I am @ work and while I have the game set to record [Thank sweet minty baby jesus for DVR] I want to listen to the game while I work.

Thanks in advance,

Can you get justin.tv at work? I'd expect there will be at least one stream of the game on there.
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ESPN 360 should have the game too.
Actually because the game is on ABC I don't believe it will be on espn360. mattsarzsports.com isn't showing it as being on 360 either. Luckily ESPN America in the UK is showing it.

It's christmas day for Ohio State fans and I can't wait to unwrap my present from Santa Tressel in 1.5hrs! I'm gonna take my time, nice and slow, and savor every moment. GO BUCKS!
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