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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

Best Buckeye;1600655; said:
Here is one more reason for the Buckeyes to not be overconfident going into the game today with the maize and blah.

Congrats to scUM on dominating the game 100 years ago. It's 2009.
Fuck 'em.
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CentralMOBuck;1600622; said:
Is anyone watching the morning show on ESPN? They showed a little part where Shaw from scum bumped(on purpose) into a Buckeye walking off the field and then turned around and started talking [censored]. Great job you POS just get us [censored]ed off before the game, not like we needed more motivation.

:biggrin: It looked like Grant Schwartz. And as other guys walked by after they were laughing at #20 as if to say "What a freakin douchenozzle."
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The Game - 1st half thread

Here is the game thread for the first half today.

Please limit talking about the uniforms in this thread to a handful of words.

This is a thread about The Game, not a fashion discussion.

If you want to talk about the unis, please use this thread:


Remember that positive posts are encouraged.

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