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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

buckeyes_rock;1600708; said:
My exact thoughts. That interview with RR had a lot of Buckeye fans in the background. Way to represent Buckeye Nation!
At worst, it looked about 1 scarlet for every 3 maize/blue fans. Now those shots were only about 15-20% full, but still pretty imprsesive so far.

A lot of scarlet at midfield right behind the OSU bench.
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OhioState001;1600725; said:
I love how Shaw just walks right by the guys in pads, then targets a trainer without pads. What a puss!!

That was Schwartz as someone else said, but he was also all by himself. When the group of d-line came up he sure as fuck got out of the way. I'd like to know what Thad said to him though.
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