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Thread of What You've Eaten, Cooked and/or Drunk Lately

View attachment 41675
With apologies to Thump, who I am sure considers Dubs a psychopath based on his choice of dishes, I made chicken tacos tonight using an Asian technique on the chicken, but with more taco appropriate seasoning. Was pretty tasty.
I gotta invest in some paper plates, it would remind me of my childhood. The plates that I have now are a big step up.
ScreenHunter 1303.png
View attachment 41675
With apologies to Thump, who I am sure considers Dubs a psychopath based on his choice of dishes, I made chicken tacos tonight using an Asian technique on the chicken, but with more taco appropriate seasoning. Was pretty tasty.
Fusion rocks. Made carnitas tacos just now using left over country style ribs that had been slowed cooked in a Carolina sauce (fuck tomatoes! lol).
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I guess I will put this here.

So the backstory is my kid and I were moving our 2009 weber spirit with side controls for reasons and we broke the shit out of it

So, I kinda always wanted an OG Genesis. So I dragged out my camp chef "portable" grill and set about trying to find one. (Took me all of a couple hours but I know the kinds of weirdos who would have these things sitting around)

So. I got this sucker for free


Ill spare you the details of disassembly but at a high level, ground the paint off the box

Cool stuff in the casting, manufactured 1997

Respray box in black

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Strip and respray lid end caps in matte silver


Put it all back together (frame resprayed as well)


Still working on the wood but we're going to go with white cedar with marine teak oil 83065 (1).jpeg
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