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Thread of What You've Eaten, Cooked and/or Drunk Lately

there are very few moments in life as satisfying as calling CheckMate on your son.
Here's a chess story. I was never on a chess team in school but at home my brother and I played, a couple of our friends played and when it was too hot to play outside we had mini chess tournaments at home. My dad's girlfriend's son tried to learn but couldn't. He was a bit of a delinquent, flunked 7th grade 4 times before dropping out. I got with the wrong crowd and started burglarizing house. He was caught and ended up doing significant time in juvie. When he came out he was beating all of us. All he did in juvie was play chess and dominoes. Sadly this didn't turn his life around and his adult life was spent mostly homeless with severe substance abuse issues. He eventually straightened himself out enough to hold down a job doing oil changes and kept a roachy apartment in the slums. Around 15 years ago he died in his sleep. The last time his sister went to see him he didn't know who she was and pulled a gun on her for knocking on his door. One night my wife and I had gone to the movies and when we got home there was 20 messages from him on our answering machine, each message more vile than the last. He called again and I picked up and answered "How are you brother?". He was quiet for a few seconds then started crying and told me he loved me and thanked me for going to see his mom (whom I couldn't stand) before she died. He was coming from Oklahoma to see her too on a bus but he got kicked off in Flagstaff and hitchhiked back home :lol:
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Here's a chess story. I was never on a chess team in school but at home my brother and I played, a couple of our friends played and when it was too hot to play outside we had mini chess tournaments at home. My dad's girlfriend's son tried to learn but couldn't. He was a bit of a delinquent, flunked 7th grade 4 times before dropping out. I got with the wrong crowd and started burglarizing house. He was caught and ended up doing significant time in juvie. When he came out he was beating all of us. All he did in juvie was play chess and dominoes. Sadly this didn't turn his life around and his adult life was spent mostly homeless with severe substance abuse issues. He eventually straightened himself out enough to hold down a job doing oil changes and kept a roachy apartment in the slums. Around 15 years ago he died in his sleep. The last time his sister went to see him he didn't know who she was and pulled a gun on her for knocking on his door. One night my wife and I had gone to the movies and when we got home there was 20 messages from him on our answering machine, each message more vile than the last. He called again and I picked up and answered "How are you brother?". He was quiet for a few seconds then started crying and told me he loved me and thanked me for going to see his mom (whom I couldn't stand) before she died. He was coming from Oklahoma to see her too on a bus but he got kicked off in Flagstaff and hitchhiked back home :lol:
:rofl: :rofl:
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