It was a great episode. And what the soccer moms and high horse hipsters don't get is that it isn't "torture porn" (a term most of them didn't even know before the episode) when it generates an emotional, directed fact, what most of these idiots don't get is that their extreme reactions is exactly what makes it NOT torture porn. If this had come out of the gate in episode 1, it would be torture porn. But they took 6 YEARS to build to that moment...of course people were supposed to have a visceral, emotional reaction...that's good storytelling (for a change). Now, if someone gets Lucilled in every episode all season, it will lose such effect. But for now, it completely rebooted the show, and did so in a way to keep people invested in the outcome. Honestly, I more or less knew what was going to happen, and still felt bad watching it. I had the same feeling as I did when Sofia came out of that barn.