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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

  • 8 teams
  • 5 P5 conference champs
  • 3 at larges that get picked by committee or computer (I can be convinced either way)
  • 4 of P5 conference champions guaranteed home playoff games based on seeding.
  • 2nd round played at higher ranked teams home

The only team that gets that benefit of the doubt is Bama.
We only got it in '16 because we depantsed the Little10 Champ in their own house, and another Conference Champ (PSU) had 2 losses.
There is no scenario where we get into a 4team playoff that year... even if Sparty pissed down the legs.
And it didn't help our future case for getting that benefit when we repeated the embarrassment in '16.

An 8 team playoff... OK... but then what is the point of Conference Championships at all? Only serves to knock one of your teams out... whether it's computers, polls, or shadow council.

Not really. Most likely, the non-champ teams would be a one loss non-division winner (Bama 17; Ohio State 16). If an undefeated division winner loses a close CCG, they'll have to take their chances with the formula like every other non-champ.

8 teams
5 P5 Champs
3 At-large based on some completely transparent BCS type formula.
Seed them based on the formula (if Nevada--fucking--Reno ends up in the top 4, let them host the damned game)
First round at home stadiums
Let the bowls wet their beeks second round
3rd round at NFL stadiums including NYC, Chicago, Boston etc.
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But whats the probability of having 2 3loss P5 champs and no decent G5 alternatives? Like once in 20 years ?

we have already seen one of the 4 best teams left out because they lost a fluke bad weather game to an inferior opponent

As we speak, unranked 4-2 USC is likely going to win the PAC12 south so that means they are one game away from a PAC12 championship.

If there was 2007 level chaos between now and then I'd sure as hell hate to see a committee have to take that team.

Said another way; I want to see the 4 best teams, not 4 of the 5 conference champs. There is a big difference.
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we have already seen one of the 4 best teams left out because they lost a fluke bad weather game to an inferior opponent

As we speak, unranked 4-2 USC is likely going to win the PAC12 south so that means they are one game away from a PAC12 championship.

If there was 2007 level chaos between now and then I'd sure as hell hate to see a committee have to take that team.

Said another way; I want to see the 4 best teams, not 4 of the 5 conference champs. There is a big difference.

But im not lookimg for 4 best... im looking for the 1 best.
And sure, PAC will be left out this year... you need 2 such champs AND no UCF or NDs for that to pan out.
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Have to admit, at this point the Committee strikes me as existing primarily to determine the order in which the #2, #3 and #4 teams get the privilege of being ass-raped by Alabama.

I have no rational reason why but I think 2018 Bama is like 2006 OSU

Let's just have everyone show up anyway, play the games and see what happens
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3rd round at NFL stadiums including NYC, Chicago, Boston etc.

I assume the "etc." means Paul Brown Stadium. 8D

Seriously though. Imagine a playoff game in Nippert. The CFB gods would be pissed but I still think 1st round should be a home game for the higher seed. Weather is a part of sports. Shit happens...sure it sucks for the losing side but the winning side is good with it.
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I think it should be limited to the 5 conference champs + G5 undefeateds. ND has to be one of those G5 undefeateds... let's see how fast they join the ACC.
Then they have to write a Supreme Court opinion on how they arrived at the 4 and which one(s) to leave out.
UCF, like Boise State, aint goin' to no dance. I don't care if they're undefeated and numbers 2, 3, and 4 have two defeats, because no one outside of The Magic Kingdom gives two shits about them. You have to be able to bring a fan base with you. You have to have TV fan appeal. You have to have the appearance of having won something worth winning.

What I don't understand, and really gets my briefs in a wad is that you could have four teams that seem qualified based on a 14 game schedule and Notre Dame gets in based on a 13 game schedule - a schedule they have freely chosen.
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What I don't understand, and really gets my briefs in a wad is that you could have four teams that seem qualified based on a 14 game schedule and Notre Dame gets in based on a 13 game schedule - a schedule they have freely chosen.
We've had two consecutive years of non-division winners getting in based on 12-game resumes. If Alabama finishes the regular season 11-1 and 2nd in the SEC West, they're getting in again.

Until that fuckery stops, no team should ever be punished for not being in a conference.
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