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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

more lower level SEC math from the coaches poll:

T A&M beats 3-3 South Carolina by 3 points and moves up +4 spots

UK has a bye and moves up +3 spots

UF comes back from 18 down to a 3-4 Vanderbilt and move up +4 spots

Meanwhile in the PAC 12:
#7 UW loses by 3 on the road to #17 Oregon

UW -7
Oregon +6

Colorado loses their first game on the road to USC -7

Stanford has a bye and remains unchanged ( see how a Bye works in the SEC for Kentucky)

Other non SEC notables:

Penn State loses -8
Wisconsin loses -9
West Virginia loses -7
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I think that Florida killed that chance; that and Miami on fast track out of the top 25.

Edit: disregard. I can't read

Found this tidbit that highlights the problem:

Yea I wasn't very clear. I realized since LSU and Georgia both have 1 loss cross-conference... they would have to get a 2nd loss to lose their Division on head-to-head and miss CCG. 2-loss is probably out.
Kentucky and UF could win out... Kentucky represents the East and gets curb-stomped by Bama, UF is the 2nd team. But, frankly, that's way too far fetched imo.
But Bama is usually good to drop 1 game to a Mississippi or Auburn... maybe LSU this year. If that happens, we all know they'll still be right there at 4.

I want to see the CFP blown up

I'm fine with a 4 team playoff but the goddamned arbitrary, opaque, do what we want behind closed doors free for all bullshit needs to be reworked.

Go back to the BCS formula and 4 teams.

I think it should be limited to the 5 conference champs + G5 undefeateds. ND has to be one of those G5 undefeateds... let's see how fast they join the ACC.
Then they have to write a Supreme Court opinion on how they arrived at the 4 and which one(s) to leave out.
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I think it should be limited to the 5 conference champs + G5 undefeateds. ND has to be one of those G5 undefeateds... let's see how fast they join the ACC.
Then they have to write a Supreme Court opinion on how they arrived at the 4 and which one(s) to leave out.

I don't think a PAC 12/ACC/B12 team should get an auto bid just for winning the league.

or B1G/SEC for that matter

What if they are a 2-3 loss champ in some really weird/bad year for a conference?Agree on the general "fuck ND"
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I don't think a PAC 12/ACC/B12 team should get an auto bid just for winning the league.

or B1G/SEC for that matter

What if they are a 2-3 loss champ in some really weird/bad year for a conference?Agree on the general "fuck ND"

With every conference being sorted on CCGs... except Little12 that plays a round robin ... I see no reason at all to include any team that isn't a Champion already.
Mind it's not an autobid either. There are 4 spots for 5 Conferences + possible G5 inclusions.
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With every conference being sorted on CCGs... except Little12 that plays a round robin ... I see no reason at all to include any team that isn't a Champion already.
Mind it's not an autobid either. There are 4 spots for 5 Conferences + possible G5 inclusions.

2015 Ohio State team

defending national champs, lost 1 game on a last second FG, set NFL draft records with all the talent

a playoff isn't better for having rules that don't let you include that team because some lesser team won a conference
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2015 Ohio State team

defending national champs, lost 1 game on a last second FG, set NFL draft records with all the talent

a playoff isn't better for having rules that don't let you include that team because some lesser team won a conference

The only team that gets that benefit of the doubt is Bama.
We only got it in '16 because we depantsed the Little10 Champ in their own house, and another Conference Champ (PSU) had 2 losses.
There is no scenario where we get into a 4team playoff that year... even if Sparty pissed down the legs.
And it didn't help our future case for getting that benefit when we repeated the embarrassment in '16.

An 8 team playoff... OK... but then what is the point of Conference Championships at all? Only serves to knock one of your teams out... whether it's computers, polls, or shadow council.
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The only team that gets that benefit of the doubt is Bama.
We only got it in '16 because we depantsed the Little10 Champ in their own house, and another Conference Champ (PSU) had 2 losses.
There is no scenario where we get into a 4team playoff that year... even if Sparty pissed down the legs.
And it didn't help our future case for getting that benefit when we repeated the embarrassment in '16.

An 8 team playoff... OK... but then what is the point of Conference Championships at all? Only serves to knock one of your teams out... whether it's computers, polls, or shadow council.

I would make the argument that OSU got into the '16 playoff due to the injustice of leaving the '15 team out

My intent was not to rehash any particular year but instead to use the '15 OSU team as an example of how a non conference champ can absolutely be one of the best 4 teams. I personally do not want those 4 spots restricted to conference champs only when very often the 2nd best SEC/BIG team can be among the 4 best teams in the country.

If you expand to 8 or more then I think you need seeding/home field to continue to make the CCG's worthwhile
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I would make the argument that OSU got into the '16 playoff due to the injustice of leaving the '15 team out

My intent was not to rehash any particular year but instead to use the '15 OSU team as an example of how a non conference champ can absolutely be one of the best 4 teams. I personally do not want those 4 spots restricted to conference champs only when very often the 2nd best SEC/BIG team can be among the 4 best teams in the country.

If you expand to 8 or more then I think you need seeding/home field to continue to make the CCG's worthwhile

They might be one of the 4 best teams... but we're not looking for the 4 best. We're looking for THE best and the also-rans already got eliminated on the field.
Take care of business imo.

The only real reason for bowl/playoff/etc is because there's so few OOC games.
There should only ever be 1 rep from any given Conference because we know who their best is on the field.
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They might be one of the 4 best teams... but we're not looking for the 4 best. We're looking for THE best and the also-rans already got eliminated on the field.
Take care of business imo.

The only real reason for bowl/playoff/etc is because there's so few OOC games.
There should only ever be 1 rep from any given Conference because we know who their best is on the field.

different opinions

Take OSU out of it, I'd rather see a 1 loss SEC non champ team than, say, a 3 loss PAC 12 team that is simply champ of a bunch of mediocre teams because someone had to be.
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