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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

I have no rational reason why but I think 2018 Bama is like 2006 OSU

Let's just have everyone show up anyway, play the games and see what happens
It's still one of the biggest shames in College sports history that they never let the Buckeyes play in a bowl game that 2006 season. They surely would have beat any team they played and won the NC. Just a damn shame.
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We've had two consecutive years of non-division winners getting in based on 12-game resumes. If Alabama finishes the regular season 11-1 and 2nd in the SEC West, they're getting in again.

Until that fuckery stops, no team should ever be punished for not being in a conference.

Yeah but it's Notre Dame. Fuck them.
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There is a coach out there who thinks Texas shouldn't be ranked and another that thinks LSU should be #24? Polls suck
If I'm reading it right, and I like to think that I am, the "HI/LOW" is their season high or low in the poll, now how the current vote is. Otherwise, Ohio State with 1 first place vote wouldn't have a "HI" of 2. Likewise, Bama without that first place vote, couldn't have a "LOW" of 1.
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UCF, like Boise State, aint goin' to no dance. I don't care if they're undefeated and numbers 2, 3, and 4 have two defeats, because no one outside of The Magic Kingdom gives two shits about them. You have to be able to bring a fan base with you. You have to have TV fan appeal. You have to have the appearance of having won something worth winning.

What I don't understand, and really gets my briefs in a wad is that you could have four teams that seem qualified based on a 14 game schedule and Notre Dame gets in based on a 13 game schedule - a schedule they have freely chosen.

You don't really have to bring a fanbase with you. You just have to buy your ticket allotment. Those tickets would find their way to people who want them, and those seats would still be filled. And the first time a G5 is in the playoff, it would be a huge tv draw just for the sheer novelty and "let's see what happens" factor, particularly if they were to play Bama given last year's "controversy." Now, a couple years of a G5 getting plungered out of the stadium, and I'll grant you that people might find other things to do when that game is on, but not the first year. I say let them in if they go undefeated and see what happens. Maybe they'll show that they belong. If they get plungered, it'll shut up the talk about giving them a guaranteed spot in an 8 team playoff.

Damn it, Cinci. Why are you making me stick up for the fucking G5?
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Not to even remotely "defend" scUM but just another example of......

SEC! poll magic.

Georgia loses by TWENTY POINTS to a team ranked 11 spots behind them (Looking awful doing it) and only drops 6 spots in the polls

scUM loses by 7 to a Notre Dame team ranked 2 spots ahead of them and falls 7 spots.
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Not to even remotely "defend" scUM but just another example of......

SEC! poll magic.

Georgia loses by TWENTY POINTS to a team ranked 11 spots behind them (Looking awful doing it) and only drops 6 spots in the polls

scUM loses by 7 to a Notre Dame team ranked 2 spots ahead of them and falls 7 spots.

That's not even the worse poll. The coaches only dropped them 4 spots and still have them ranked higher than Scum. Scum has two wins better than UGAs best win and a better loss.
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So, here's my scenario for all hell to break loose.

  • UCF keeps winning big and ends up undefeated.
  • Bama loses a close game to LSU who wins out.
  • Texas or Oklahoma win out.
  • Oregon wins out beating USC in the PACCG
  • Domers lose a close one to USC
  • Clemson drops a game but wins the ACC
  • Michigan wins out
  • Ohio State loses a close one to tsun

You have 5 1-loss P5 champs, 3 bluebloods sitting at home on championship weekend with one close loss to a division or conference champion and an undefeated G5 that's on a 26 game winning streak.

I'll be rooting for all of this to happen except the Ohio State-Michigan part.
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The "fix" is already in for the SEC. Two SEC teams got in last year and that will happen again this year so basically there is zero chance a Mid-Major gets in. I think no Big Ten team gets in or Pac 12 team or Big 12 team. Two SEC teams, Clemson and Notre Sham.
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So, here's my scenario for all hell to break loose.

  • UCF keeps winning big and ends up undefeated.
  • Bama loses a close game to LSU who wins out.
  • Texas or Oklahoma win out.
  • Oregon wins out beating USC in the PACCG
  • Domers lose a close one to USC
  • Clemson drops a game but wins the ACC
  • Michigan wins out
  • Ohio State loses a close one to tsun

You have 5 1-loss P5 champs, 3 bluebloods sitting at home on championship weekend with one close loss to a division or conference champion and an undefeated G5 that's on a 26 game winning streak.

I'll be rooting for all of this to happen except the Ohio State-Michigan part.
in this scenario of chaos here is what will happen:
Domers or Clemson (depends on if they have their QB and which game they lose).

Bama needs 2 losses or a blow out loss to have any chance of being counted out because of the cluster fuck of last year...
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