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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

The real pisser here is that scUM is ahead of us in the polls.


scUM deserves to be ahead of us in the polls. Their loss was far better than ours, but we'll have our chance to address them next month.
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If you re-call the game against TTUN 2016 we came close to losing that game. Now that we have been exposed in several areas, things could be a lot different against them. This week Penn St comes into play them and if they win...…………….then things will be a lot different all around
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During the playoff era, Ohio State has swept the month of November on two separate occasions. Both of those teams advanced to the College Football Playoff.

That happened in 2014 and 2016, of course. One season ended in a dream — the other a nightmare. But both got there after ironing some issues out and flexing their muscle in the final month of the regular season.

This year's Buckeyes have a bye week to prepare for the money month — a break they desperately needed after suffering a stunning 49-20 defeat on the road against Purdue.

With their time off, Urban Meyer, the coaching staff and players have a lot of questions to answer. And even though they're 7-1, finishing November unscathed seems less likely this year than any other season since Meyer took over in 2012.

That's bizarre to think after how the season started. Through five weeks, Ohio State looked like the only team capable of giving Alabama a fight after impressive primetime wins against TCU and Penn State. There were concerns during that stretch, but they all seemed either negligible or fixable during what should have been the easy stretch of the schedule.

A leaky defense? That'll improve once the linebackers get more experience and Nick Bosa returns. A secondary susceptible to the big play? That one's easy, the cornerbacks coach just needs to tell these guys to simply turn around and look for the ball every once in a while. The slumping run game? Well all of these quick, short passes to the perimeter are essentially an extension of the rushing attack, so the Buckeyes aren't really averaging fewer than four yards per carry against defenses filled with 3-star recruits.

That sentiment simply floated away through the windy night sky in West Lafayette last Saturday. The defense continued to give up big plays and the rushing attack was more a comedy of errors than anything else.

That loss sent Ohio State back to Columbus with some soul-searching to do.

“The glaring shortcomings we had... were exposed,” Meyer said in the postgame presser.

Thanks to the bye week, the Buckeyes have 14 days to fix what's broken. On top of everything mentioned above, Meyer needs to address an uninspired red-zone offense that can't convert, an offensive line that's missing routine assignments and a team that has committed more penalties than all but four teams in major college football.

Needless to say, it'll be a busy two weeks.

But to their credit, the Buckeyes are saying the right things for the most part.

“When you’re on a roll, it’s not like you feel like you can’t get touched, but you don’t know what taste is like to lose, and it almost makes you recalibrate and get your mind right,” McLaurin said this week. “Look yourself in the mirror, all of us men in the locker room, and see what you can do to get better. Not what the guy next to you can do, what you can do, and as a leader, that’s my job to make sure everybody feels that.”
But all things considered, one thing Ohio State has on its side is that opportunity November presents. Despite their warts, the Buckeyes are still in position to make a playoff run. They just need to use their time off to learn how to close.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio...inish-strong-and-keep-its-playoff-hopes-alive
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I have some hope that the off week will turn things around. There is a great "opportunity" to turn this around in the next 4 games. The Nebraska game will give us some clues as to where this will all go. I'm sure the team will remember last years turn around.
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During the playoff era, Ohio State has swept the month of November on two separate occasions. Both of those teams advanced to the College Football Playoff.

That happened in 2014 and 2016, of course. One season ended in a dream — the other a nightmare. But both got there after ironing some issues out and flexing their muscle in the final month of the regular season.

This year's Buckeyes have a bye week to prepare for the money month — a break they desperately needed after suffering a stunning 49-20 defeat on the road against Purdue.

With their time off, Urban Meyer, the coaching staff and players have a lot of questions to answer. And even though they're 7-1, finishing November unscathed seems less likely this year than any other season since Meyer took over in 2012.

That's bizarre to think after how the season started. Through five weeks, Ohio State looked like the only team capable of giving Alabama a fight after impressive primetime wins against TCU and Penn State. There were concerns during that stretch, but they all seemed either negligible or fixable during what should have been the easy stretch of the schedule.

A leaky defense? That'll improve once the linebackers get more experience and Nick Bosa returns. A secondary susceptible to the big play? That one's easy, the cornerbacks coach just needs to tell these guys to simply turn around and look for the ball every once in a while. The slumping run game? Well all of these quick, short passes to the perimeter are essentially an extension of the rushing attack, so the Buckeyes aren't really averaging fewer than four yards per carry against defenses filled with 3-star recruits.

That sentiment simply floated away through the windy night sky in West Lafayette last Saturday. The defense continued to give up big plays and the rushing attack was more a comedy of errors than anything else.

That loss sent Ohio State back to Columbus with some soul-searching to do.

“The glaring shortcomings we had... were exposed,” Meyer said in the postgame presser.

Thanks to the bye week, the Buckeyes have 14 days to fix what's broken. On top of everything mentioned above, Meyer needs to address an uninspired red-zone offense that can't convert, an offensive line that's missing routine assignments and a team that has committed more penalties than all but four teams in major college football.

Needless to say, it'll be a busy two weeks.

But to their credit, the Buckeyes are saying the right things for the most part.

“When you’re on a roll, it’s not like you feel like you can’t get touched, but you don’t know what taste is like to lose, and it almost makes you recalibrate and get your mind right,” McLaurin said this week. “Look yourself in the mirror, all of us men in the locker room, and see what you can do to get better. Not what the guy next to you can do, what you can do, and as a leader, that’s my job to make sure everybody feels that.”
But all things considered, one thing Ohio State has on its side is that opportunity November presents. Despite their warts, the Buckeyes are still in position to make a playoff run. They just need to use their time off to learn how to close.

Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio...inish-strong-and-keep-its-playoff-hopes-alive


A winning streak and a lot of improvement are necessary before I even want to see this team in the playoff, and both will be required to get any real consideration.

Notre Dame getting their asses kicked (won't happen this weekend against the worst Navy team in years) would make me smile, though.
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And like clockwork, MissSt jumps 16 places while Aggy drops 9.
Just as the SEC was only conference with 2loss teams in Week7, theyre the only conference with 3loss teams in Week10.

And it's the same two teams.
MissSt and Aggy have both gone 1-1 last 3 weeks and effectively kept their rankings (Aggy -3, MissSt +3).

It's SEC SEC SEC math people!

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Texas A&M Still Ranked :lol:

And Miss State......hilarious how they keep vaulting these mediocre SEC teams for beating each other.

I guess Kentucky you could say has "earned" their #11 ranking, but they are about the worst #11 team i've ever seen, escaping bad Vanderbilt and Missouri teams in ugly games the past 2 weeks
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Texas A&M Still Ranked :lol:

And Miss State......hilarious how they keep vaulting these mediocre SEC teams for beating each other.

I guess Kentucky you could say has "earned" their #11 ranking, but they are about the worst #11 team i've ever seen, escaping bad Vanderbilt and Missouri teams in ugly games the past 2 weeks

The best part is... Missouri would be ranked if not for UK.
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The crap thing about Bama is you know theyre getting in still if they lose to LSU. Because Miss State or Auburn aint beating them.

Basically rewarded for losing the division and sitting the SEC championship game for a 2nd straight season..........their "best" win would be against Texas A&M (seeing they lose to LSU)
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