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3 fucking losses and ranked 18 and 20? Clearly trying to build up Alabama’s SOS moving LSU to 3 and having the other 2 ranked at 18 and 20.

Bama could legit finish not beating a single team in the top 25 if they lose to LSU...........and theyll still get put in the playoff after losing the division for a 2nd straight year. All based on benefit of the doubt from the past of course and nothing more than "theyre Bama". Literally the only team who would get such treatment.
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Bama could legit finish not beating a single team in the top 25 if they lose to LSU...........and theyll still get put in the playoff after losing the division for a 2nd straight year. All based on benefit of the doubt from the past of course and nothing more than "theyre Bama". Literally the only team who would get such treatment.

Well they didn’t do well losing any doubt last year when that happened so can’t say much about it till they don’t win it. But I agree with your point.
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Kentucky #9 :lol: They really lined this up well for 2 SEC teams in the playoff again regardless of what happens this weekend.

They're not putting fucking Kentucky into the playoffs, but I'm almost to the point where I wouldn't be blood coming out while I piss shocked if they did. Maybe we should wish for the "some people want to watch the whole world burn" point. Let's these fucking fucks put 3 SEC teams and Notre Dame in. Maybe that will finally force Delaney to stop doing bong hits with thousand dollar bills and get off his ass and actually fight for this conference. And that god damn means fighting for home field games in an 8 team playoff and cold weather championship games in NFL stadiums. If he can't do that then it's "THANKS FOR THE BIG TEN NETWORK...WELL DONE.............NOW......

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They're not putting fucking Kentucky into the playoffs, but I'm almost to the point where I wouldn't be blood coming out while I piss shocked if they did. Maybe we should wish for the "some people want to watch the whole world burn" point. Let's these fucking fucks put 3 SEC teams and Notre Dame in. Maybe that will finally force Delaney to stop doing bong hits with thousand dollar bills and get off his ass and actually fight for this conference. And that god damn means fighting for home field games in an 8 team playoff and cold weather championship games in NFL stadiums. If he can't do that then it's "THANKS FOR THE BIG TEN NETWORK...WELL DONE.............NOW......

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They're not putting fucking Kentucky into the playoffs, but I'm almost to the point where I wouldn't be blood coming out while I piss shocked if they did. Maybe we should wish for the "some people want to watch the whole world burn" point. Let's these fucking fucks put 3 SEC teams and Notre Dame in. Maybe that will finally force Delaney to stop doing bong hits with thousand dollar bills and get off his ass and actually fight for this conference. And that god damn means fighting for home field games in an 8 team playoff and cold weather championship games in NFL stadiums. If he can't do that then it's "THANKS FOR THE BIG TEN NETWORK...WELL DONE.............NOW......

In the biblical miracle event of Kentucky winning out they are absolutely getting in. Unless the commite just wants to up and admit what its really about. Then theyd leave them out.
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The crap thing about Bama is you know theyre getting in still if they lose to LSU. Because Miss State or Auburn aint beating them.

Basically rewarded for losing the division and sitting the SEC championship game for a 2nd straight season..........their "best" win would be against Texas A&M (seeing they lose to LSU)
It's going to be REALLY interesting to see what happens if Bama's only loss is to a B1G Champ LSU team and Ohio State wins out. It'd be almost the exact same scenario as 2015 and we all saw how that went.
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Meh....win out and beat scUM, win the B1G and go kick the crap out of someone in the Cotton or Peach Bowl. Fuck ESECSECSECPN and their little popularity contest. Obviously losing to Purdue doesn't help and this isn't a post saying Ohio State should be higher than they are, but Kentucky at #9 and aTm and Miss State being ranked at all is fucking laughable.

The system won't change until people stop watching it on TV and stop talking about it. ESPN makes money off of sports rage much like CNN and Fox News make money off of political rage. Don't play the game and they'll have to unfuck themselves or go out of business.
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Happily sitting behind wasu and Kentucky. Don’t want any part of those playoffs. If they deserve it (stop playing like shit) then they will get in. But right now I’d be content if they just threw in 2 sec teams.

I'm with @ORD_Buckeye - I kind of want to see them try to justify 3 SECSECSEC teams just for the mental gymnastics it will take for guys like David Green and Herb Kirkstreit to try to make sense of it on camera. It'll be more entertaining than the actual games themselves.

These things have a way of working themselves out though.
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