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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

At some point the sting of last night will fade, rationalizations will set in, and some of you will find yourself thinking of scenarios that get the Bucks into this season's Alabama Invitational. When this happens, picture Tua passing against our defense. If that's not enough, picture our offensive line trying to block them and Prince getting Haskins decapitated. No one needs to see that.

I'm rooting for a Notre Dame-Alabama semifinal to see Saban put Kelly into the scissor lift from hell, after a month of ND fans telling us they're "back". :evil:
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At some point the sting of last night will fade, rationalizations will set in, and some of you will find yourself thinking of scenarios that get the Bucks into this season's Alabama Invitational. When this happens, picture Tua passing against our defense. If that's not enough, picture our offensive line trying to block them and Prince getting Haskins decapitated. No one needs to see that.

I'm rooting for a Notre Dame-Alabama semifinal to see Saban put Kelly into the scissor lift from hell, after a month of ND fans telling us they're "back". :evil:

In theory, we could get to watch Bama beat the shit out of both ND and UM in the playoffs. So that could be something. What a fucked up world I'm living in where that's my silver lining du jour.
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What a dilemma that would be for Michigan fans. You have to stop shitting all over Ohio State and Michigan State’s dud appearances in the playoffs and stop acting like winning the can of soup bowl is better than getting killed in the playoffs.
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At some point the sting of last night will fade, rationalizations will set in, and some of you will find yourself thinking of scenarios that get the Bucks into this season's Alabama Invitational. When this happens, picture Tua passing against our defense. If that's not enough, picture our offensive line trying to block them and Prince getting Haskins decapitated. No one needs to see that.

I'm rooting for a Notre Dame-Alabama semifinal to see Saban put Kelly into the scissor lift from hell, after a month of ND fans telling us they're "back". :evil:

This is something I've been mulling over... and not sure where to post about it or exactly how to phrase it.

When we're rolling, there is no room for nuanced and rational criticisms of the team. Any criticism is perceived as negativity and expecting too much.
After we lose, there's suddenly room for such criticisms ... but it's also flooded with apoplectic the world is ending insanity.

I wouldn't bet on this team having a 2014 kind of turnaround this late and with this coaching staff. But I wouldn't put it completely out of possibility either. I'll wait until December to judge what I think this team is capable of in January.
Right now, we have a timely bye week for a lot of soul searching - as fans, players, and coaches alike. And then we have 3 more games before The Game.
How this team responds the rest of the season - and especially against that state up north - will define their legacy. Personally, I don't hold the coaching up to this point against them.
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At some point the sting of last night will fade, rationalizations will set in, and some of you will find yourself thinking of scenarios that get the Bucks into this season's Alabama Invitational. When this happens, picture Tua passing against our defense. If that's not enough, picture our offensive line trying to block them and Prince getting Haskins decapitated. No one needs to see that.

I'm rooting for a Notre Dame-Alabama semifinal to see Saban put Kelly into the scissor lift from hell, after a month of ND fans telling us they're "back". :evil:
Nah only way I even let the word "playoff" enter my brain is if we put 2017 MSU style beatings on everyone we play from here on out.
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The real pisser here is that scUM is ahead of us in the polls.

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