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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

I think they have a chance to make it with a loss now. That is not something I thought was possible before this week's games. Tough to see the PAC winner making a strong case above them unless their loss comes to USC. B12 looks to be on course for a 2 loss champion. If Bama continues to Bama, the only reason another SEC team will be in the conversation is because ESPN is contractually obligated to fellate them.

Barring 4 undefeated conference champions, the scissor lifts were always a lock to make it with 1 loss. Don't underestimate the degree that the media and committee members will salivate at getting ND into the playoff. And my hunch is that a 1-loss Texas (IS BACK!) will get almost the same degree of push. Throw in the possibility of 2 SEC! teams being in the mix along with Clemson, and this isn't the year for Ohio State to assume that a one loss B1G champion will get in. Win out, and we're good. But lose just one, even if we win the BTCCG, and I have a feeling that we're

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More i think about it, only way it works is LSU runs the table.
Bama is the only team in the country that can stamp their ticket by losing and dodging a CCG.

I think that Florida killed that chance; that and Miami on fast track out of the top 25.

Edit: disregard. I can't read

Found this tidbit that highlights the problem:

Sure, the Auburn Tigers lost -- this time in humiliating fashion to woeful Tennessee. But really, that's no surprise. Since the Kick Six game in 2013, Auburn is just 23-23 against Power 5 opponents. The crazy thing about that, though, is despite that obvious mediocrity, the Tigers have been ranked in 86 percent of the AP polls during that period. Iowa, on the other hand, is 31-19 vs. Power 5 foes in that span and has spent only 17 weeks ranked. It's tough to get all those quality losses in the Big Ten.
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LSU beats bama in a close game and goes to the SECCG with one loss. Either UGA or Florida win out and go to the SECCG with one loss. That gives you a one loss SEC champ and Alabama sitting at home with one close loss.

Texas or Oklahoma win out, and you have a (blueblood) B12 champ with one loss.

Domers and Clemson pick up a loss.

Ohio State picks up a loss but does win the B1GCG over a mediocre Wiscy team.

UW wins out so you have a one loss PAC champ.

UCF goes undefeated.

You have 5 1-loss conference champs, a 1-loss ND, a 1-loss Bama and an undefeated G5 team that hasn't lost a game in two years.
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LSU beats bama in a close game and goes to the SECCG with one loss. Either UGA or Florida win out and go to the SECCG with one loss. That gives you a one loss SEC champ and Alabama sitting at home with one close loss.

Texas or Oklahoma win out, and you have a (blueblood) B12 champ with one loss.

Domers and Clemson pick up a loss.

Ohio State picks up a loss but does win the B1GCG over a mediocre Wiscy team.

UW wins out so you have a one loss PAC champ.

UCF goes undefeated.

You have 5 1-loss conference champs, a 1-loss ND, a 1-loss Bama and an undefeated G5 team that hasn't lost a game in two years.
UW has 2 losses already.
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Coaches poll is out. Top 10:

1. Alabama (61) 7-0
2. Ohio State (1) 7-0
3. Clemson (2) 6-0
4. Notre Dame 7-0
5. LSU 6-1
6. Georgia 6-1
7. Michigan 6-1
8. Texas 6-1
9. UCF 6-0
10. Oklahoma 5-1
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