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Well, if it comes to that, I'd rather just liberate the Rose Bowl and make it the NCG for the rest of the country.

i didn’t read the article, but i don’t see how it’s even mathematically possible to get a 3rd team in (without rest of the country all tanking it).

at least one of those 3 is going to have a 2nd loss, no way around it.

LSU still has to play Bama.
that’s either #1 for Bama or #2 for LSU.

that winner most likely to play UGA.
an UGA loss gives them 2
an UGA win is either #1 for Bama or #2 for LSU.
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They do

So do committees that go behind closed doors and make shit up with little to no guidance or transparency.

I guess there is just no good way for humans to rank 25 teams out of 130 who all play different schedules and levels of opponents.

Eye test, duh.

I found it funny that the CBS and ESPiN crews were giving UGA shit for a soft schedule, however, guess who they have not said dick about with their shit schedule so far? At the end of the day, all I care about seeing is Campbell outrunning TTUN, Clemson, and Bama players on the way to another title since we don't have Zeke anymore.
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Regardless of what happens to OSU and the B1G I want to see this happen to the SEC for chaos:

LSU beats Bama and wins the West
UGA wins the east
UGA wins the rematch in the SECCG

undefeated ACC champ in Clemson
undefeated Notre Dame

1 loss OU/Texas B12 champ
1 loss B1G Champ (OSU or tsun)

If they leave the B1G champ out for a third year in a row I think it will hasten the end of this committee nonsense
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Regardless of what happens to OSU and the B1G I want to see this happen to the SEC for chaos:

LSU beats Bama and wins the West
UGA wins the east
UGA wins the rematch in the SECCG

undefeated ACC champ in Clemson
undefeated Notre Dame

1 loss OU/Texas B12 champ
1 loss B1G Champ (OSU or tsun)

If they leave the B1G champ out for a third year in a row I think it will hasten the end of this committee nonsense
I don’t even know who you are
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Seriously?!? I know Saturday wasn't his shining moment, but come on.
What a bunch of dicks.


Nebraska would owe Scott Frost as much as $26 million if it moves on from coach
As Nebraska’s football program continues falling to new lows, there is a way it could get a lot worse:

If school officials decided that their decision to hire Scott Frost as head coach was so wrong that they decided the best way forward would be to fire him.

Saturday, the Cornhuskers fell to 0-6 for the first time in program history with an overtime loss to Northwestern, which tied the game on a 99-yard touchdown drive that ended with 12 seconds left in regulation.

At present, moving on from Frost would mean the school would be obligated to pay Frost as much as $26 million. Frost's contract originally was for seven years, through Dec. 31, 2024. Nebraska would owe him $5 million for each year remaining through Dec. 31, 2022, with any partial year paid pro-rata. Then it would owe him $2.5 million for each of the final two years.

Totally agree. The only reason to publish that steaming pile is to stir shit up. Shameful

Regardless of what happens to OSU and the B1G I want to see this happen to the SEC for chaos:

LSU beats Bama and wins the West
UGA wins the east
UGA wins the rematch in the SECCG

undefeated ACC champ in Clemson
undefeated Notre Dame

1 loss OU/Texas B12 champ
1 loss B1G Champ (OSU or tsun)

If they leave the B1G champ out for a third year in a row I think it will hasten the end of this committee nonsense

I usually agree with you, but my expectation for The Year of Perfect Chaos, whenever it comes, is that it will lead to an 8 team playoff, not to the end of the committee
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Totally agree. The only reason to publish that steaming pile is to stir shit up. Shameful

I usually agree with you, but my expectation for The Year of Perfect Chaos, whenever it comes, is that it will lead to an 8 team playoff, not to the end of the committee

I can live with 8 if we start having seeding and home field for the first 2 rounds.

I mean shit, if you go to 8 or more then break the P5 off from the NCAA, make everyone play everyone as best you can and seed it up like the NFL does.
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I want to see the CFP blown up

I'm fine with a 4 team playoff but the goddamned arbitrary, opaque, do what we want behind closed doors free for all bullshit needs to be reworked.

Go back to the BCS formula and 4 teams.

I agree that, whatever its flaws, a pre-determined BCS type formula at the beginning of the season is infinitely preferable to the committee bullshit. That being said, I'm not willing to sacrifice an Ohio State shot at the belt to blow it up. Let Ohio State end up undefeated and secure their spot. Beyond that, two 1-loss SEC teams, a 1-loss ND, a 1-loss Tejas, a 1-loss Oregon and Clemson and an undefeated UCF that will have won something like 26 games in a row should be more than enough chaos to change the system and maybe even expand to 8.
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I can live with 8 if we start having seeding and home field for the first 2 rounds.

I mean shit, if you go to 8 or more then break the P5 off from the NCAA, make everyone play everyone as best you can and seed it up like the NFL does.

Home field should be non-negotiable for the Big Ten, yet my gut tells me that Delaney and the ADs will turn around and do what's best for the bowls.
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